Sunday, July 7, 2024

Why Prince George faces a strict travel ban next year

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When it comes to royal protocol, there are a number of rules that members of the monarchy are expected to follow. From how royal women must walk down the stairs to the family members who are required to curtsey, these are usually grounded in tradition and etiquette. However, there are some regulations that are enforced as a matter of safety; on trips abroad, the royal family is banned from eating certain foods and senior members travel with bags of their blood type in case of an emergency.

As some of the youngest members of the royal family, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will soon have to adapt to their future roles, and for George – who is second in line to the British throne – that means changing the way he travels. Traditionally, two heirs are not permitted to fly on the same plane in order to protect the line of succession, and while William and Kate have historically kept their family of five together, the strict travel ban may come into force for George next year.

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