Monday, September 16, 2024

Who says you have to be under 35 to pull off a bikini?

Must read

Hello, my name is Anna and I’m a bikini-holic. What’s more, I am far from the only fiftysomething I know who is. My friends and family of similar vintage are bikini wearers pretty much to a woman. And we have got decades in us yet — Helen Mirren is still slaying in one at 78.

One of the biggest fashion fallacies out there is that bikinis are for the young; that they are a phenomenon you age out of. And I am not saying this as some kind of age-agnostic statement of bravado, nor because I am not subject to all the usual droops and disappointments that come as the decades pass.

Bikinis are just easier. Easier to buy. Easier to wear. Or the right

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