Saturday, October 5, 2024

What does July have in store for your star sign?

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Want to know what’s in store for your star sign for July 2024? It’s all in the cards. Here’s what our tarot reader predicts you can expect this month….

July feels like home, like the sanctuary you crave, even if it’s just feeling happy in your own skin (maybe the best feeling in the world). This quest begins with Neptune moving into retrograde on the 3rd (lasting until December), allowing you to come home to your true, authentic self and nature. Know your desires, know your goals and purpose. Neptune’s reversal removes all illusion and mystery from our life and lets us take that long, hard, clear look at ourselves.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 5th is all about home, family, love, intimacy. Being ourselves with those we love, perhaps this is the first space and time to discuss your authentic desires and share them with others? Saying things out loud makes them real, pressure tests our appetite for them.

A sudden surge of adventurousness and curiosity to explore this new self, this newly revealed inner world, unfolds from the 20th with Mars moving into intellectual, seeking Gemini. And the following Full Moon on the 20th, in Capricorn, can be a great opportunity to set the new goals and ambitions that fulfil this authentic self’s needs and desires. Put yourself first. Put the real you first.

July closes with the start of Leo season- strut, parade, perform, pitch, play, and pursue passions. From the 22nd, let all your best ideas and versions be showcased. Enjoy the summer heat, socialise, travel, date, mingle, play. This is the time of the year for F.U.N.


(The Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, Four of Wands)

Summer suits you because you love heat, light, the outdoors, staying up late and socialising, feeling like the day is endless. You have bags of vitality, passion, and energy. Your Mars ruler gives you the stamina you need to live every day to the max! And this trio of cards reinforces that promise. The Four of Wands has you working hard, striving for promotion or progress, advancing your cause and feeling valued and appreciated. You can see the way to success.

The Wheel of Fortune brings change and transformation, opportunity and new news. Temperance grounds it in your realm and internalises the changes, meaning your outlook and perspective shifts too. This really is like an inside-out overhaul of what you want, where you’re heading, and how you get there. Lots of hard work but also tonnes of rewards and positive feelings. Have fun.


(Knight of Swords, The Hanged Man, King of Cups)

taurus star sign horoscope

An internal battle is waging, you feel a little at war with yourself. Don’t worry or fret because this is a natural, necessary, and relatively brief state of affairs that is unfolding because you’re changing your priorities and perspective on your life. The Hanged Man is the key card. You have felt that your recent efforts and sacrifices have not been sufficiently rewarded or recognised and it’s made you question everything. Fair enough. You need to see results and you haven’t. So, what changes? Well, when you can’t change your circumstances, you’re best off changing yourself.

The Knight of Swords brings assertiveness and astute shrewdness to the table, you’re ready to ‘play the game’ and win. The King of Cups brings emotional intelligence and intuition, you’re ready to persuade, cajole, and influence people who count in the best way possible. This is a battle fought with velvet gloves on! Use your insights, use your power, but use it for your own good. Make headway and change how you engage and invest your precious energy. This is going to be a game changer month.


(Ace of Cups, Three of Swords, Page of Swords)

gemini star sign horoscope

When one door closes, a window opens. This is a great truth of life, don’t forget it, because you need to remember it when you’re hesitating to close a door yourself (that you really, really should). The Three of Swords shows something has gone sour. A betrayal or wound that you can’t ignore, even with your death-defying abilities of nonchalance. Someone has hurt you, Gem. Respond accordingly. The Page of Swords has you hesitating, but in truth the only answer here is withdrawal and retreat from this painful situation. Don’t add fuel to the fire, don’t engage in vengeful behaviour, don’t stay and try to brush it off. Surgically remove yourself.

The Ace of Cups shows a new window opening almost the very day that door finally closes. A new relationship emerges, perhaps one waiting in the wings, which affirms your belief in the goodness of others and brings you the admiration and respect you need and deserve.


(The World, King of Wands, Page of Wands )

cancer star sign horoscope

This trio of cards screams TRAVEL! The Page and King of Wands are both great explorers, love seeing new places and cultures, experiencing different cuisines and activities, putting themselves into fresh landscapes and finding out about the history and nature of new places. It’s time to spread your wings and fly!

The World is a very powerful tarot card, the final card of the major arcana. It, too, means travel and global horizons are welcome but it is also a symbol of endings which lead to new beginnings. You are ready to close some eras in your realm, finish the level, ready to start on a new adventure. Travel (even if it’s local and short-lived) can prove to be the perspective-changer that helps you make up your mind and feel engaged with change. Travel stimulates us, even small-scale journeys. Get outside your usual comfort zone and reflect on your new landscapes and horizons in life.


(The Moon, Queen of Swords, The Chariot)

leo star sign horoscope

You feel like you’re your own mystery this July, a secret kingdom which you’re setting out to explore, internally and privately. Maybe this is professionally, with a therapist or counsellor, maybe via self-help tools or shadow work, maybe just through journalling and reflection. The Moon sees you asking new questions of yourself and receiving unexpected insight and wisdom. The Queen of Swords sees you being tough on your answer, validating and challenging them so that you get to the root causes, the crux of the issue, the real deep-down truths. Only you can hold yourself to account here. It’s easy to fib to other people, but not yourself, not in this mode. The Chariot means you arrive at a new destination, a new position, and everything changes. A fresh purpose and ambition emerges from all of this reflection, something truly meaningful. You feel reborn. This is a vital month.


(King of Swords, Ace of Coins, The Emperor)

virgo sstar sign horoscope

It’s all about the fundamentals this July, Virgo, the basic ingredients of a good life well lived- health, wealth, work, and home.

The Ace of Coins sees you setting new, improved, self-serving, powerful long-term goals in each area. You know what you want. And you’re prepared to work hard, over a sustained period, to manifest it. The Emperor brings you the will power and determination to put these goals ahead of other demands or commitments. If you don’t build your own foundations, then who will? Right.

The King of Swords brings very rational, logical, practical, and objective thinking to the table here. You are super smart and shrewd, and you enjoy creating long term game plans. Spend the first half of July doing this. Create your vision, build your strategy, list your tactics, schedule the action. Then, come Leo season (22nd) spring into action and get these balls rolling. Momentum will swiftly gather and help you on your way. This feels empowering and liberating. You feel in full control.


(Eight of Wands, Seven of Swords, Justice)

libra star sign horoscope

Justice is your star sign’s tarot talisman, representing your appetite for justice! Balance, harmony, peace, and fairness matter to you. Something has upset the apple cart recently and made you feel things are out of kilter and you’re going to get an opportunity to set it right this July. Do this and feel good, feel powerful, and feel like your world is on an even keel again.

The Seven of Swords shows you can’t trust everyone. Someone is shady in your realm, maybe they are the root cause of this imbalance or unfairness. Be prudent about who you share what with. Don’t be vulnerable or expose frailties to anyone you don’t trust 100%. Trust your gut instinct.

The Eight of Wands asks you to build up alliances, seek expert advice, read up on this matter and research your options, bounce ideas around with those you trust or who has expertise. Create a plan of attack and execute it. Right the wrong, expose the lie, redress the balance. Get things put right.


(The Star, Nine of Coins, The Magician)

scorpio star sign horoscope

A beautiful trio of cards this July, Scorpio, which offer a dream come true, a wish granted. What will it be?

The Star is the powerful wishing card, the higher you aim the better the outcome, there is nothing you can’t manifest this month ahead, so make it count. Visualise your most potent daydream and take overt, positive steps in its direction. Believe!

The Nine of Coins reveals, if you pick something linked to work, wealth, health or home, the impact will be immediate AND lasting. This can be the start of a new era of prosperity and success.

The Magician asks you to be creative, inventive, positive, imaginative. Make your own luck. Although this is going to be a wish granted, it doesn’t happen passively. You need to be pro-active and take steps. You need to make your own luck and demonstrate to the Universe that you back yourself. Magic can happen. It’s going to happen. I am wishing you a wonderful July!


(Four of Cups, Six of Wands, The Sun)

sagittarius star sign horoscope

A month of two halves, Sagittarius, and I’m pleased to report that things take a sudden, dramatic, and prolonged upturn! The Four of Cups may see you feeling a little listless, bored, frustrated, or just out of sorts with yourself and your life right now. Others seem to have it better / easier / nice. You are a bit fixated on what you lack, vs the gifts and advantages already in your court. But this changes. Maybe reading this changes it for you, and you realise how wealthy you are in all kinds of ways and that you’ve neglected your gifts and talents.

Suddenly the world is your oyster, and The Sun and Six of Wands sweep in to make you go on a 2-month roll of good fortune and success! Apply, pitch, promote, ask, challenge, demand. Showcase your best talents and ideas and successes, build on them, take a few chances, aim high. You will feel, out of the blue, like anything is possible and you must strike whilst this feeling is surging and pulsing. It’s pure magic!


(Knight of Wands, Strength, Page of Cups)

everything to know about a capricorn and their traits

Create a magical adventure or quest for yourself this July, Capricorn, to help wring every ounce of possibility and potential from this glorious summer month! The Knight of Wands invites travel, healthy lifestyle, creativity and education into your realm- pick up a new class, hobby, ritual, workshop, or pastime. Take a trip, go travelling and exploring, make an effort to see more locally. The Page of Cups wants you to get super creative- write, draw, sing, dance, sculpt, garden, bake, invent, design, sew… take up an artistic activity that suits your temperament and lifestyle. Make an effort here because this could be a lifelong ally.

Strength sees you working on yourself too, your personal development. Perhaps you want to learn about mindfulness or patience, perhaps you feel like a health goal would motivate better habits, perhaps you want to repair a frayed relationship, or find out more about a quirk you know you display. Spend time investing in YOU.


(The Lovers, Knight of Coins, The Devil)

aquarius star sign horoscope

Tricky cards this July, Aquarius, with The Lovers AND The Devil. Bluntly, they spell T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N. Something, or someone, has caught your eye and you know you really shouldn’t… but you kinda’ can’t help it. Well, that’s life. We all get distracted and we ARE here to experience everything. Maybe you need this thrill, this adventure, this fling, this diversion.

Aquarius, the Knight of Coins asks you to think it through first. Be prudent and shrewd. Know the price of the ticket you’re about to buy. Understand the possible consequences of what you are about to embark on. Are you still so keen?

If not, then stop. Don’t put a future you in a predicament for a momentary buzz or reward. Think long-term. Think wisely. If you still think ‘YEAH’ then crack on, my friend, and live your life your way.


(The High Priestess, The Hermit, Seven of Wands )

pisces star sign horoscope

Has someone or something spooked you, Pisces? This card trio looks defensive and self-protecting. Like you’ve been freaked out and have thus retreated into your safe space to wait it out, to hope for danger to pass. That’s okay. It’s not a bad strategy. The Seven of Wands is a reassurance, however, that you can ‘beat’ this danger, whatever it is, and you are more than equal to it. So maybe facing it down will actually be the fastest way OUT of this pickle, and will also prove how strong you are.

The Hermit shows you can do some research first, find out what might work, what options you have. Get clued up. The High Priestess reveals you know, deep down, what you need to do. The flight or fight instinct led to flight initially… but you will fight soon. And you will win. And it will feel amazing.

Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot

Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot

MONTH AHEAD MAGIC tarot reading by Tarotbella- with Good Karma tarot deck creator, online tarot reading via email/pdf

MONTH AHEAD MAGIC tarot reading by Tarotbella- with Good Karma tarot deck creator, online tarot reading via email/pdf

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry’s TarotBella page

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