Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Zodiac Has Spoken: June 2024 Is All About Making Your Dreams Come True

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Congratulations are in order for all of us who have made it this far. We’re officially half way through 2024, and after a hard and dark winter, we are beginning to emerge into the warmer, softer and longer days of summer. Hurrah! And in news that will provide even more cause for celebration, June is set to be one of the most promising months of the year astrologically for all signs, most notably Geminis, Tauruses, and Sagittariuses.

This is time for us to blow off the cobwebs of winter and embrace everything that the remainder of the year has to offer us. The next few weeks should be a time when we let bygones be bygones and focus on expediting all of the good things that the world has to offer us.

So get those journals out and get ready to plan, dream and manifest ’till your heart’s content; June really is the month of making magic happen for almost all signs. Here’s everything you need to know about your horoscope for this month.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The month of June for Aries is really all about embracing the connections that come your way. The new moon will take place on June 6 and will bring about new opportunities to either build on existing relationships or establish entirely new ones. The fact that Venus, the planet of love, and Mercury, that of communication, are both present in your sign means that this month, there will be many doors opened for you, Aries. Just be sure to open you’re eyes so that you can see them when they’re presented to you.

Later in the month, Mercury and Venus will enter your fourth house on June 17, which will mark the beginning of a slight reset. Use this time to take stock of how far you’ve come and connect with family and close friends, especially around the summer solstice which will takes place a few days later. Prioritise yourself and your world this month, Aries, and you really can’t go wrong.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This month is all about gaining clarity in regards to your finances, whether that means siphoning off funds from your tequila fund to save for that pre-loved designer bag or squirrelling away money for a long-overdue holiday. The minute the ever-practical Mercury enters the party on June 3, you will enter prime number-crunching time. Use this time to map out everything you have, everything you don’t and everything you need in order to get to where you want to be. Use the alignment of the planets to help you in your mind-mapping.

Mars will enter your sign on June 9 and with it will bring a fresh burst of energy, which will be best optimised by implementing a plan for all that you’re hoping to make happen for yourself. You have more courage within you than you realise, and this month of sweet successes is the perfect time to remind yourself of that.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Geminis, this is your month! With all of the love and light shining in your sign this month, it’ll come as little surprise that once the new moon hits on June 6, your manifesting powers will be at an all-time high. This is time to become the version of yourself that you’ve been working so hard to be, so make sure you keep that self-assurance up and continue to shine.

Once Cancer season begins at the end of June, don’t feel disheartened if your social life plateaus ever so slightly. Instead use this time to do a bit of introspective work; really interrogate how you feel and why you think you might feel the way that you do.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The beginning of the month may feel slow and sleepy, but just wait until it kicks into gear with the summer solstice on June 20, which coincides with Cancer season. This is your time to shake off the grey of winter and embrace all of the fun and frivolity that summer – notably your birthday season – has to offer.

Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17, which will make the days before the fun of your birthday perfect for a romantic getaway for you and that special someone…

Leo (July 23-August 22)

From the beginning of June until the end of summer, this is your time to shine. Remember the one about the caterpillar that emerges from the cocoon as a butterfly? This month, that’s you. June is about reaping the rewards of the connections you’ve spent the last few months making, particularly from the new moon onwards.

As Mercury and Venus sweep into your sleepy twelfth house on June 20, you’ll find that you might need a while to re-charge your social batteries, so ensure that you do so that you can spend the rest of the summer indulging yourself with your nearest and dearest.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

If you’ve spent the first half of 2024 struggling to properly focus and communicate, then you will rejoice at the news that June is set to alleviate these pressures. This month is all about setting your mind to something and reaping the rewards of your hard work.

Once Mercury hits your tenth house on June 14, your creative juices will be in free fall, making it the perfect stretch of time to get your head down and realise some of your wildest dreams.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras everywhere, buckle up for the month of June is going to set your world alight with a bounty of adventures for you to embark upon. From June 4 onwards, there will be a steady stream of opportunities for you to make connections and build upon your wealth of knowledge in your chosen field.

Once the summer solstice comes around on June 20, there’ll be lots of planetary activity starting within the area of your career so make sure to stay focus and check in with your personal goals. If there’s a gap between where you are and where you hope to be, make sure to focus on the things within your control that you can do to change that reality.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The month of June will be the perfect time for you to re-evaluate some of your most testing your relationships, dear Scorpio. As we enter the new moon on June 6, don’t forget who you are and assert your boundaries clearly and fairly to anybody who might be overstepping the mark slightly.

The heaviness will subside ever-so-slightly as we head into the final weeks of June, so by June 21 expect the weight you’ve been carrying to have lifted. Line up some Aperol-fuelled dinner dates with your favourite friends and allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief. The best is really yet to come, after all.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

If June isn’t the month of opportunity for you, Sagittarius, then frankly I don’t know what is. While the beginning of the month around June 8 may present some challenges surrounding work, expect an abundance of fruitful opportunities opening up throughout the remainder of June that you should accept with both arms opened wide.

Once Cancer season begins on June 20, that’s when new doors will really open for you, just remember not to revert back to old patterns that might block the blessings that are trying to fill your life. Stay open and grateful this month, and amazing things are promised to come your way.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

While it’s hardly a surprise for a busy-bodied Capricorn to be non-stop, this month of June is really proof that the sky’s the limit. Under the new moon of June 6, speak or write into existence some of the hopes and dreams you’re hoping to make happen for yourself and on June 14, with the presence of Mercury, grab a pen and paper and be prepared to brainstorm everything that’s been brewing in your mind.

Following the solstice, Capricorn will enter a full moon on June 21, which will commemorate a milestone of some kind. Maybe it’s a daily ritual you’ve been working hard to implement into your life or a project you’ve been trying to get off the ground; whatever it may be, the end of June will bring about success in an arena you’ve been working hard in so don’t forget to celebrate accordingly.

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