Once upon a time, buying drugs in Bishkek, the capital of the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan, involved consorting with criminal elements. Now, anyone...
"At this stage, the only person being questioned in this case is Pavel Durov," the prosecutor’s office added. Nikolai Durov's current location is unclear.
Telegram pushed back against...
Ukraine’s ex-Danish Lockheed Martin F-16s have scored their first aerial victories. According to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, the supersonic F-16s shot down Russian cruise...
Kyiv, Ukraine – Russia’s aerial attack on Ukraine was colossal.
Moving in waves from several directions and at different speeds and heights, 127 missiles and...
Durov, a Russian-born French-Emirati citizen, was arrested late Saturday night and is still being held as part of an investigation into allegations of child...
Telegram founder and CEO Pavel DurovAOP.Press | Corbis | Getty ImagesRussia on Tuesday issued words of caution to France over its detainment of Pavel...