Sunday, July 7, 2024
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‘A theme park for tourists’: Málaga locals protest city gentrification

Spain’s anti-tourism activism has arrived in Málaga, where locals are angry over soaring rent prices. ...

How Gen Z protesters start a revolution in Kenya over tax rises

For the first time, too, anger is directed at the entire political...

German politician bites protester during scuffle

It was first in all of the eastern German states except for...

Kenyan president withdraws controversial tax bill after violent protests

But protesters were defiant, repeating calls for Mr Ruto to step down...

New Caledonia independence activists sent to France for detention

Pro-independence leader Christian Tein among seven flown to the mainland after last month’s large-scale riots.Seven independence activists linked to a group accused of orchestrating...

Hundreds of thousands in France protest far right ahead of snap elections

Anti-racism groups joined French unions and a new left-wing coalition in protests across France against the surging nationalist far right as frenzied campaigning is...

Barclays pulls musical festival sponsorships after pro-Palestine backlash

Barclays ended its sponsorship of the Latitude Festival following a backlash from...

Putin hit by protests by FURIOUS Russian women piling on pressure to bring soldiers home

Russian women have taken to the streets of Moscow in protest outside Russia's defence ministry in order to demand the return of their family...

Watch: Climate protester sticks apocalyptic poster to Monet painting

A climate campaigner stuck a poster over a painting by Claude Monet...

Palestine protesters smash glass windows of Barclays Bank cover branch in red paint

A pro-Palestine group have targeted a group of banks in Manchester city centre.Palestine Action targeted three sites in Manchester overnight, attacking two Barclays branches...

Georgian parliament overrides presidential veto of ‘foreign agent bill’

Critics say the bill will restrict media freedom and obstruct Georgia’s chances of joining the European Union.Georgia’s parliament has overridden a presidential veto of...

Watch: BBC describes pro-Palestine protest outside London cinema as a ‘vigil’

Danny Cohen, former director of BBC Television, told The Telegraph: “For the...

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