Phillip Schofield’s desert-island pity party reaches its apotheosis in the final episode of Cast Away (Channel 5, 9pm), a reality series in which the...
Speculation has mounted about the identity of 'one or two' mystery stars Phillip Schofield has suggested may have 'had an affair,' after he made the...
The 62-year-old broadcaster hasn’t been seen on screen since he stepped back from the daytime show in May 2023.The dad-of-two left the programme after...
Phillip Schofield's latest attempt to launch a comeback on a desert island survival programme called 'Cast Away' failed to hide his 'bitterness' over his...
This Morning's Deidre Sanders has revealed her breast cancer has returned.The agony aunt, 79, first announced her diagnosis in September 2022 to Phillip Schofield and...
FUMING Eamonn Holmes snapped at his co-host live on air after she defended Phillip Schofield today.Eamonn, 64, couldn't contain his anger when Isabel Webster,...
Eamonn Holmes saw red on Tuesday while discussing the fallout from former colleague Phillip Schofield's dramatic return to mainstream TV. Schofield has divided Channel 5...
Former This Morning host Phillip Schofield says he was sacked by ITV because of the bad publicity caused by his paedophile brother’s crimes.That contradicts...