Saturday, July 6, 2024
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State pension payments to rise to £12,150 a year in 2025 but triple lock ‘might not be sustainable’

The state pension could exceed £12,150 a year in 2025 in a boon for older Britons but experts are warning this type of increase...

‘No surprise’ as 660,000 more state pensioners dragged into paying tax

Some 660,000 pensioners are being forced to pay income tax which experts claim is "no surprise" in light of policies put in place by...

Pensioners face missing out on £11,000 boost in retirement savings under ‘volatile’ proposal

Pensioners are expected to lose up to £11,000 in retirement savings under a "volatile" policy proposal.The Labour Party has pledged to force pension funds...

HMRC sending letters to 210,000 state pensioners who could be eligible for £5k after DWP ‘errors’

Some 210,000 pensioners across the country will receive letters in brown envelopes from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) informing them if they are entitled...

DWP alert: State pension age change sees ‘rise’ in Britons claiming PIP and disability benefits

Increases to the state pension age have contributed to an uptake in Britons applying for working-age benefit payments from the Department for Work and...

State pension payments forecast to hit £13,200 in ‘bumper’ triple lock boost

The state pension is forecast to hit £13,000 annually for millions of Britons by 2030 if the triple lock is maintained in its current...

‘We want to retire at 57 and sail the world on a yacht – are our pensions big enough?’

They plan to sell their £600,000 home in north Wales to downsize,...

State pension warning as thousands of older Britons £4k worse-off under DWP Universal Credit rule

Thousands of state pensioners are at risk of being £4,000 worse-off under a Universal Credit rule imposed by the Department for Work and Pensions...

None of Britain’s political leaders have dared to mention the elephant in the room

Critics have described public sector pensions as a “Ponzi Scheme”.Although there is...

State pension cost exposed: Britons need close to £300,000 in savings to match DWP retirement benefit

Britons need close to £300,000 in retirement savings to match the state pension, according to new analysis from Fidelity International.The investment company is shining...

DWP benefit and pension payment dates for June 2024 – and big Universal Credit change

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is set to hand out benefit and pension payments to millions of households across the country for...

Britons face ‘relying on state support’ in retirement as auto-enrolment could see millions with £100k pension gap

Pension savers are warned they could be left "relying on state support in later life" due to shortfalls in other retirement income.Around 14 million...

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