Robyn Lively has publicly voiced her support for sister Blake Lively, who has filed a lawsuit against actor and director Justin Baldoni over alleged...
Plans, which include Mitsubishi, announced as Japan tries to gain foothold in electric vehicle market.Japan’s Honda and Nissan are planning a merger, which would...
Well folks, in what is presumably the last Christmas period before Nintendo unleashes its next major hardware, Switch games have performed admirably as folks...
The obsession with the number ‘27’ started when Rockstar North employees started posting pics of the holiday swag they’d received from the company. In...
Fico discussed the Ukraine war and the transport of Russian gas to Slovakia via Ukraine, according to statements.Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has held...
Twin-engine plane crashed in largely residential neighborhood of Gramado shortly after takeoff, authorities say.A small plane has crashed into a tourist hotspot in southern...