Zhang, Z. L., Kong, X. B. & Zhang, Q. P. Spatial distribution characteristics of arable land grade in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei–Shandong region. J. Agric. Eng. 34(S1),...
Balmorel energy system optimization modelBalmorel is an open-source40, deterministic, partial equilibrium model for optimizing an energy system assuming perfect markets and economic rationality27. Similarly...
The proposed frameworkEfficient charging infrastructure and operations are crucial to ensure the seamless integration of EVs into the existing transportation system. Figure 2 presents...
Within this section, we present our conceptual framework for interoperability, provide an overview of the practical implementation details of our PoC, and describe the...
Jebeile, H., Kelly, A. S., O’Malley, G. & Baur, L. A. Obesity in children and adolescents: epidemiology, causes, assessment, and management. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol....
OECD. Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth . 1st ed. OECD, editor. Paris: OECD; 2017. Available from: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/economics/investing-in-climate-investing-in-growth_9789264273528-enEuropean-Commission. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2008/114/EC of 8 December...
Nation-wide social disparity in access to public EV infrastructureUsing locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) regression and U.S. population data, we find a consistent (nonlinear)...
We provide an actionable, step-by-step guide to O3 that covers each of the technical, social, and governance aspects of a sustainable project.Version control your...