A mother-of-two has faced a firestorm of criticism after revealing that she refuses to return her shopping cart. Leslie Dobson, a Los Angeles-based psychologist and...
Film and television shows are a decreasing part of the entertainment industry, according to a new Otis College Report on the Creative Economy released...
He's blessed with a $14.5 million Tuscan-style mansion with seven bedrooms, thirteen and a half bathrooms, library, cinema, gym, pool and chicken coop —...
LEONARDO DiCaprio has been spotted indulging in some serious retail therapy with his niece, but failed to help her carry the oversized shopping bags.The...
Leonardo DiCaprio treated his niece Normandie Farrar, 16, to a lavish shopping spree in Beverly Hills over Memorial Day weekend. While out with his father, George DiCaprio, and...
With its beaches, parks, lakes, deserts, mountains and bustling city feel, California is a diverse juggernaut for tourism. Yosemite National Park is a stunning vista featuring...