Saturday, October 5, 2024

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

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Intensity is your middle name, Scorpio, so why pretend otherwise? With the Sun in Gemini and your scintillating eighth house—the zodiac zone that’s governed by Scorpio—you’ll be in your element until June 20. Dive deep into researching, plotting and enjoying your obsession(s) du jour. The eighth house rules intimacy, merging and investments—all the ways you meld your superpowers with someone else’s for mutual benefit.

Rabbit holes could become frequent destinations for you over the next year since expansive Jupiter is in Gemini until June 9, 2025. The supersizer planet first entered this sector of your chart on May 25 after spending the first half of 2024 in Taurus and your partnership house. You may have forged a business alliance or made things official with a romantic or creative collaborator. 

Now get ready to plunge into the depths together. With Jupiter in Gemini, you could form a joint venture, invest in property or explore the most intimate realms of a bond. This could also be one of the sexiest years you’ve had in more than a decade with explorer Jupiter trekking through this erotic zone of your chart. 

On June 2, Jupiter will form a rare and fortuitous 120-degree trine to your ruler, Pluto, which is in Aquarius and your domestic fourth house. For some Scorpios, this could bring a pregnancy, talks of buying real estate or moving in together, or a family secret might get revealed. The eighth house rules windfalls, including inheritances. A relative could provide a financial gift or support, or you may be the one providing fiscal backing to a loved one.

Is it time for a reset? The June 6 Gemini new moon kicks off a new chapter around your closest bonds and mergers. From a joint business venture to a sexy soulmate connection, your focus will be on “power-coupling” now, especially since love planet Venus is exactly conjunct the new moon. 

Between today and the corresponding Gemini full moon on December 15, a collaboration could crescendo. Enjoy the passionate meeting of the minds, hearts and/or souls, but do all the digging you need if you’re not ready to make things official. Take your time to explore the possibilities of a permanent merger and ensure that everyone’s most important needs will be satisfied. Think of the next six months as an energetic engagement period before you put a (literal or symbolic) ring on it. If the chemistry and connection are really right, your due diligence will be rewarded.

Are childhood issues hijacking your happiness? On June 11, aggressive Mars in your relationship house forms a triggering angle to unconscious Pluto in your family zone. Mars and Pluto are your co-rulers, so you’ll be especially sensitive to this clash, which could stir up discord on the homefront and cause you to spiral.

If you’re locked in a power struggle with a relative or a roommate or fuming with resentment, dig deeper. Ask yourself: Does this dynamic feel familiar? There could be echoes of tension with a parent or something you experienced in your upbringing. The more you get sucked into an ego-driven battle, the worse it will get. You or a partner could be projecting old wounds onto each other. Instead of lobbing hurtful insults, call a timeout.

Luckily, you’ll get a burst of balancing perspective once Cancer season begins on June 20. As the summer solstice begins, the Sun starts its four-week voyage through the sign of the Crab, heating up your worldly and adventurous ninth house. Take some vacation days to explore new curiosities through travel, workshops and learning. This is your season for growing and learning. Stretch beyond your comfort zone, Scorpio. 

Got an entrepreneurial concept you’re sitting on? Play out a few possibilities or start incubating your ideas. This is your month to branch out—you never know what all your options are until you take a risk and try, which makes sense now because the ninth house rules higher education and expansion.

On June 21, the first of this year’s two rare back-to-back Capricorn full moons illuminates your third house of communication. An idea you’ve been working on since the January 11 Capricorn new moon could come together at last! Exciting news could arrive that unfolds over the next month, reaching fruition at the second Capricorn full moon on July 21. Feeling creatively blocked or stuck on a project? A kindred-spirit type could be a great sounding board or even a powerful collaborator. 

While friendships and platonic duos heat up, you might decide to tap the brakes on your love life a little. From June 29 to November 15, mature Saturn will be retrograde in Pisces and your love sector. Remove yourself from situations that are fraught with drama. You might have second thoughts about a romance or decide to step away from a project that’s become too all-consuming. Since retrogrades rule the past, you could dust off an old creative venture or hear from an ex. 

Was it a matter of timing that made it not work out the first go-round? If the stars didn’t align on your first try, perhaps you’ll give someone a second chance. But proceed with caution, Scorpio.

If you work in a creative field, this Saturn backspin can be a great time to hunker down and finish a project. Maybe your skills could use some polish—or a total 2024 upgrade. Work with a mentor, producer or pro in your field. Take a class or get some extra training or just carve out dedicated time for your craft. With Saturn retrograde, you’ve got to put in those hours before you can achieve mastery. But give yourself breaks, and remember to make it fun! Your talents might be a little rusty, but with dedicated practice and playfulness, the shine will return.

Your duos are about to get extra dynamic this month, Scorpio. Motivated and intense Mars is blazing a fiery trail through Taurus and your seventh house of committed relationships from June 9 to July 20. Meantime, romantic Venus is in Gemini and your intimate, sizzling eighth house until June 17. Things could turn sexy AND serious fast. With Jupiter in Gemini for the next 12 months, your Scorpio powers of persuasion and seduction will only continue to get stronger.

If you’ve been feeling irritated with your partner or anxious about finding someone worth your time, the restless red planet might be the culprit. Mars blasts you with energy, and that can be a lot to handle all at once. And this transit can stir up forceful and impatient energy that doesn’t exactly scream “come hither.” 

The prescription? Don’t waste time on going-nowhere duds or senseless and circular arguments. DO address hurt feelings directly and be upfront about your needs and desires. That said, deadlines and demands can take the mystery out of relationships, so if you find yourself forcing an outcome, step back. This Mars period is best for clearing the air and getting a better understanding of what makes a relationship work. You can turn passionate disagreements into productive conversations and, thanks to the red planet’s lusty nature, take advantage of this perfect opportunity for hot makeup sex.

Things settle into a more playful and open-minded place in the second half of July. Venus sails into Cancer and your adventurous ninth house from June 17 to July 11, inviting you to spread your resplendent wings. If you’re unattached, pay attention to the people who clearly like you but you don’t necessarily think of “that way.” You don’t have to go out on an official date, but dive a little deeper in conversations and see if just maybe you do feel a spark. Couples can make the most of this expansive energy by taking a class or workshop together—perhaps a weeklong retreat on a sandy beach. Bring your books! 

Move with razor-sharp intention. There’s much at stake for the first three weeks of the month, and your focus is an asset. The Gemini Sun heats up your eighth house of strategic partnerships and big money until June 21. From investments to passive income to wealth building, your eye is on the long game. How can you make your money work harder for you? 

No need to do it alone, either: Go-getter Mars is in Taurus from June 9 to July 20, igniting your partnership sector. An exciting deal or contract could come in. You could feel pressure to sign on the dotted line, but it’s important to ask all the thorough questions you need to feel confident moving forward. 

Luckily, a double-header of Capricorn full moons arrives on June 21 and July 21, opening the channels of communication. As these beams illuminate your interactive third house, you’ve got extra luck with negotiating. A kindred-spirit type could also come along and act as a powerful ally. Be open to joining forces and cultivating a win-win!

Love Days: 27, 4

Money Days: 10, 19

Luck Days: 8, 18

Off Days: 28, 6, 15

See All Signs

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