Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Palestinian prisoners ‘systematically tortured’ claims Israeli human rights group

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The report does not say when the interviews took place or refer to what those spoken to were accused of or charged with.

“We didn’t ask them, that’s not the point of the report,” Shai Parnes, of B’Tselem, told The Telegraph. “Most of them were released without charges.”

However, at least one of the prisoners, 45-year-old Thaer Halahleh, who claimed the prison turned into a “torture facility”, has previously been jailed over membership of Islamic Jihad.

It is unclear if he is still a member of the terror group and what he was accused of when jailed again in June 2022.

The Telegraph has asked the IDF for clarification of the charges and accusations against the 55 prisoners who were interviewed.

It said that it has various monitoring mechanisms to ensure that detention facilities are managed according to IDF orders and the law, “including inspections by senior officers who are not part of the facility staff, and continuous closed-circuit television monitoring”.

The report stated that an estimated 9,623 Palestinian prisoners were in Israeli jails as of early July.

Of those, more than 1,850 are said to be affiliated with Hamas, according to the Times of Israel, citing IDF figures.

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