OnePlus has launched its latest flagship, the OnePlus 13, in India with a starting price of Rs 69,999. The phone, which will go on sale via Amazon, brings several upgrades while maintaining a design that feels familiar yet refreshed. With a flat display, Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, a larger battery and an improved camera system, the OnePlus 13 aims to bag the flagship killer badge, just like the OnePlus 12. Our detailed review of the OnePlus 13 is live on the India Today Tech website, which you can check out for details on its real-world performance. Those who want to check out the full specs, India price and other details of the OnePlus 13 can check the details below.
OnePlus 13: India prices, sale details
The OnePlus 13 comes with a starting price of Rs 69,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage. There is also a 16GB + 512GB storage model, priced at Rs 76999. There is also the 24GB RAM + 1TB model, which will cost you Rs 89,999. The device will be up for sale on Jan 10 via Amazon and other online/offline platforms. With ICICI bank card offers, you will be able to buy the OnePlus 13 at a lower price. For instance, the base model’s price will effectively drop to Rs 64,999. The OnePlus Buds Pro 3 is priced at Rs 11,999. The 50W OnePlus magnetic wireless charger is Rs 5,999.
OnePlus 13: Full specs
The OnePlus 13 shares some similarities with the OnePlus 12 but comes with a few refreshing changes. It comes in new colour options and offers a slightly revamped design. The rear panel has a circular camera module with four sensors, while the sides and screen are now flat instead of curved. Available in leather and glass finishes, the OnePlus 13 looks slimmer and is sold in Blue (leather), Obsidian (glass), and White (glass) shades. The silver accents on the rear camera module contrast well with the side frames, enhancing its premium feel.
The OnePlus 13 retains the 6.82-inch 120Hz QHD+ display with Dolby Vision support seen in the OnePlus 12 but with notable improvements. It supports the same 1,600nits of local brightness in high brightness mode and 4,500nits of peak brightness. The display is flat this time, which differs from the curved design of its predecessor. A standout feature is its ability to be used while wearing gloves, making it highly convenient during colder seasons. The front panel is protected by Ceramic Guard coating for protection against scratches.
Chipset, software
Powered by Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, built on a 3nm process, the OnePlus 13 promises improved efficiency and performance. The chipset is paired with LPDDR5X RAM, and UFS 4.0 storage. Coupled with OxygenOS 15 based on Android 15, OnePlus is promising to offer a smoother and faster interface. The OnePlus 13 will receive four years of major Android updates and five years of security patches, offering extended software support for users.
One of the biggest upgrades is the battery, which has been increased to 6000mAh from the 5400mAh unit in the OnePlus 12. OnePlus claims nearly two days of battery life, supported by 100W wired charging and 50W wireless charging. An interesting addition this year is the 5,000mAh magnetic wireless charging power bank, which you can stick to your phone for quick charging.
The OnePlus 13 retains the 50-megapixel LYT-808 main camera from the OnePlus 12 while upgrading the telephoto and ultrawide sensors to 50-megapixels each. It features 4K/60fps Dolby Vision video recording and a 32-megapixel front camera. Our detailed review of the OnePlus 13 is out, and you can check out the camera samples here.
Waterproofing and Biometrics
The new OnePlus 13 version is both IP68 and IP69 rated, allowing it to survive water immersion and high-pressure water jets. For biometrics, the device now features an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor that works even with wet hands and is faster to unlock the phone. The company also says that the upgraded vibration motor provides “gaming controller level feedback” for better haptic feedback during gaming.