Monday, September 23, 2024

North Korea flies hundreds more balloons containing filth towards South Korea

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North Korea has launched hundreds more balloons carrying rubbish towards its southern neighbour, South Korea’s military has said.

Between Saturday night and Sunday morning about 600 balloons flown from North Korea have been found in various parts of South Korea, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

Members of the public are advised to beware of falling debris and not to touch objects suspected to be from the north.

In the capital, Seoul, the city council sent text messages saying unidentified objects – suspected to be arriving from North Korea – were being detected in skies near the city.

There have been no reports of injuries or damage so far.

Earlier this week, the government of Kim Jong Un flew hundreds of balloons filled with debris and manure in the direction of South Korea.

From Tuesday night into Wednesday, some 260 North Korean balloons were found in parts of South Korea.

Chemical rapid response and explosive clearance teams were dispatched to recover the debris. The military said the balloons carried various types of trash and manure but no dangerous substances such as chemical, biological or radioactive materials.

Some of the balloons were found with timers that suggested they were designed to pop the bags of trash mid-air.

A balloon believed to have been sent by North Korea over a rice field in Cheorwon, South Korea. Pic: Reuters

Kim Yo Jong, the leader’s sister, said on Wednesday that her country was making good on a threat to “scatter mounds of wastepaper and filth”.

It was in response to South Korean activists flying anti-North Korean leaflets across the border, she added.

Shin Won-sik, South Korea’s defence minister, has described it as “unimaginably petty and low-grade behaviour”.

North Korea has been jamming GPS signals near the border since Wednesday, with more than 900 aircraft and vessels reporting experiencing signals being scrambled.

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On Wednesday, Kim Yo Jong ridiculed a South Korean military statement demanding the North stop its “inhumane and vulgar activity”.

She said the North was merely exercising its freedom of expression – an apparent reference to South Korea saying it could not stop anti-North Korean activists from flying leaflets across the border as it would restrict their freedom of expression.

“Once you experience how nasty and exhausting it feels to go around picking up dirty filth, you will realise that you shouldn’t talk about freedom of expression so easily when it comes to [leafletting] in border areas,” she said.

“We will make it clear that we will respond with 10 more times the amount of filth to what the [South Koreans] spray to us in the future.”

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