Saturday, October 5, 2024

Navigating the path to purchase: How travel creates a halo effect for brands

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In today’s contentious political environment, where serious issues dominate our headlines and feeds with emotionally charged stories, brands face a critical challenge: how to connect with people when they are in a positive mind frame and, conversely, how to avoid monetising content that could harm a brand’s image. Picture ads for airlines juxtaposed with stories about an airplane malfunction or beauty ads intertwined with sensitive women’s rights debates. In a year with global elections and wars dominating news cycles, there is risk out there.

On the other hand, travel is a bright spot in an otherwise contentious world. Recent Tripadvisor research found our customers travel on average 18 times a year, and a staggering 86% of respondents reported that travel elicited intense emotions such as excitement, awe and joy  (Brands We Travel With, Experience of Travel 2024). 

I believe in an era where every impression counts, investing in safe, trusted, happy environments can give brands that elusive halo effect, a phenomenon that occurs when our positive feelings toward one aspect of something extend to other areas. It is imperative for brands to connect with consumers in the right environment when so much of the digital ecosystem serves as the wrong environment. Brands looking to forge meaningful connections with consumers when they are planning for or going on an adventure can capture that halo effect and enter into the consideration set. At Tripadvisor, we believe there’s good out there, and the positivity associated with travel is something marketers can tap into.

Peers are the most trusted source

Forums valuing peer reviews hold significant credibility with consumers, as peers are now held at a trust level comparable to scientists, surpassing trust levels in government and media (Edelman’s Trust Barometer in 2024).  By surrounding trustworthy content, advertisers can capitalise on the halo effect and enhance their overall trustworthiness. In 2024, I believe brands that concentrate on platforms renowned for their high consumer trust, such as media networks and review-based content, can capitalise on this trust surge. Opting for secure and reliable digital environments not only ensures safety but also promises a significant return on investment. Considering the reliability of peer reviews and opinions, advertisers should prioritise platforms built on reviews, especially those showcasing genuine experiences and engaging content.

Power of positive mindset on purchase intent

The travel mindset is inherently positive, and an important priority to most consumers. A study we did earlier this year found 73% of travelers say that travel is always a priority because it is a source of inspiration. Furthermore, 86% of respondents reported that travel elicited intense emotions such as excitement, awe and joy (Experience of Travel 2024). And travelers are open to exploration, with 84% of travelers surveyed reported they are open to engaging with brands like retail, electronics, streaming, financial apps, personal care among others before and during a trip (Brands We Travel With).

This presents a unique opportunity to engage with consumers who are immersed in a state of optimism and anticipation, and who are open to trying new things. The relevance of the travel experience also extends far beyond the confines of the travel industry itself. Yet many brands have yet to grasp the full extent of the purchasing power wielded by the modern traveler.

Travelers prioritise a significant portion of their discretionary spending on travel experiences, allocating a notable 19% of their budgets to explore new destinations and activities, a figure that competes with dining expenses and represents $1.2 trillion dollars in spend annually in the U.S. Beyond traditional accommodation and transportation costs, more than half of travel budgets are directed toward diverse categories such as food, shopping and entertainment. This heightened openness to new products, experiences and shopping while planning or embarking on a trip underscores travelers’ eagerness to engage and indulge in a wide array of offerings that enrich their travel experience. As an example, travelers are six times more likely to consider personal care and twice as likely to consider electronics when preparing for a trip than during any other phase of travel. Marketers have an incredible opportunity to engage with individuals who prioritise spending on travel and related categories, tapping into a receptive audience eager for new experiences and products.

Brands we travel safely with

Advertisers can influence the purchasing decisions of travelers by understanding when and where they’re most receptive. For example, financial implications are at the forefront of consumers’ mind in the planning stages of travel and looking for solutions such as budgeting tools and peer-to-peer payment apps. Streaming media is an important pass time in transit especially those with original content.

A brand such as Dove shouldn’t have to risk a negative association with political content that doesn’t align with its values when they can invest in engaging with 90% of travelers looking for toiletries while they prepare for their next trip. Corona can confidently launch targeted campaigns to an audience that is five times more likely to consume alcohol in their destination. 

By aligning brand messaging with the positive, inspirational mindset of travelers, advertisers can forge lasting connections while ensuring brand safety in an increasingly tumultuous digital landscape.

The travel halo effect

Travel is a huge priority for most people around the world, and a source of happiness and inspiration. In a time in which the news is so contentious, and social media feeds are full of challenging issues that divide, travel is a source for good. People leave reviews of places that made them feel special, brought them joy or to tell others about their experiences. Brands that can invest in trusted environments that are positive will experience a halo effect of the content they are surrounding. 

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