Thursday, September 19, 2024

Millions of women avoiding careers in engineering, fire fighting and piloting

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A study of 2,000 women found that 85% believe some jobs are still seen as more suited to men, with 24% avoiding male-dominated industries

Millions of women are still avoiding careers as engineers, pilots and fire fighters – because they see them as male-dominated.(SWNS)

A poll of 2,000 women has revealed that a whopping 85% believe that despite significant strides in gender equality, many jobs are still viewed as more suitable for men. Jobs such as truck drivers, builders and plumbers also feature in the top 20 careers perceived as male-dominated by women.

Interestingly, one in 10 women have refrained from applying for a job due to fears they wouldn’t be as successful as their male counterparts. The main obstacles preventing women from venturing into male-dominated careers include work-life balance issues (51%), stereotypes suggesting they won’t ‘fit in’ (41%) and the gender pay gap (38%).

The survey also found that 27% would have been more likely to consider a career in STEM earlier if they’d had a better understanding of the industries at a young age. Shockingly, 77% don’t know any female engineers, with three in 10 not pursuing a career in this area because they lack the necessary qualifications.

This study was commissioned by British Gas, in anticipation of Women in Engineering Day (June 23rd), as part of its goal to encourage more women to enter the engineering industry by enhancing diversity within the sector.

Jana Siber, managing director of British Gas Services and Solutions, commented: “It’s clear from this research that while the industry is making great progress to provide better opportunities for all, there is still more to be done.”

“As a company, we believe it’s vital that we reflect the diversity of the customers and communities we support and make engineering a prosperous career for everyone.”

“To achieve that, we must do everything we can to close the gender gap in the industry and inspire more women to choose a career in engineering.”

“A huge part of this is the work we are doing through our apprenticeship programme. We are recruiting a new apprentice every day until 2030 – and we want half of them to be female.”

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