Monday, July 15, 2024

Michael Denton on Nature’s Fitness for Life | Evolution News

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Photo: General Sherman tree, by Jim Bahn / CC BY (

On a classic episode of ID the Future, biochemist and author Michael Denton and host Eric Anderson conclude their conversation about Denton’s book The Miracle of the Celland about his epiphany when he recognized the many remarkable ways that nature’s chemistry is fine-tuned for life. The focus in this conversation is on carbon chemistry and its “goldilocks zone” ability to form stable bonds but let loose of them when needed. Whereas biologists once wondered about a vitalist “life force” in the cell, Denton sees intelligence and foresight in the very design of carbon, its unique properties, and its “coincidental” relation to water. According to Denton, all of this, taken together, constitutes “one of nature’s most remarkable examples of nature’s fitness for life on earth.” Carbon’s suite of life-friendly features, he says, is foundational to the cell’s peerless ability to build sophisticated biological forms — everything from the smallest bacterium to the tallest tree, and you and me. 

Find the podcast and listen to it here. This is Part 2 of a two-part conversation. Listen to Part 1 here.

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Andrew McDiarmid

Director of Podcasting and Senior Fellow

Andrew McDiarmid is Director of Podcasting and a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute. He is also a contributing writer to He produces ID The Future, a podcast from the Center for Science & Culture that presents the case, research, and implications of intelligent design and explores the debate over evolution. He writes and speaks regularly on the impact of technology on human living. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Post, Houston Chronicle, The Daily Wire, San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, Newsmax, The American Spectator, The Federalist, and Technoskeptic Magazine. In addition to his roles at the Discovery Institute, he promotes his homeland as host of the Scottish culture and music podcast Simply Scottish, available anywhere podcasts are found. Andrew holds an MA in Teaching from Seattle Pacific University and a BA in English/Creative Writing from the University of Washington. Learn more about his work at



bacteriabiological formsbiologycarboncellEric Andersonfine-tuningforesightGoldilocks ZoneintelligencelifeMichael DentonThe Miracle of the Celltreesvitalismwater

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