Britons could potentially receive £74,100 more in state pension over their retirement years by making a phone call and a few simple checks, according to Martin Lewis.
The money saving expert has advised Britons to make sure they are fully paid up on their National Insurance (NI) in order to receive the full state pension.
People can buy back a full year of missing NI payments by paying £800 to the HMRC. This will increase the pension by £330 a year which means the cost can be covered in less than three years.
Using this scenario, a man who typically lives to 85 would get back £5,400 while a woman with a typical life expectancy of 87 would collect £6,100.
However, Martin Lewis points out that these figures soon multiply when someone buys back multiple years of missing NI contributions.
The maximum number of missing years of NI contributions that an individual can buy back is 13, which would cost £10,400. While that might seem an enormous figure, the potential rewards for those who live into their 80s are significant.
He said the situation is becoming increasingly urgent as a deadline to claim back missing years of NI contributions is set for April next year.
There are number of ways to check whether you are fully up to date with NI contributions and how much you will receive by making up any gaps.