Friday, September 20, 2024

Maduro calls for Christmas in October as opponents slam ‘distractions’

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Christmas begins in October, according to Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro, who has been accused of trying to distract his population from a heavily disputed election result by declaring the holiday season is almost under way.

“It’s September and it already smells like Christmas. As a thank you to the fighting people, I will bring Christmas forward to October 1, by decree,” Maduro told his supporters during a state television broadcast.

The festive holidays have tended to be manipulated by the regime to counteract political strife, by instead focusing the population on glittery street decorations and some food handouts. In 2020, Maduro announced Christmas celebrations would begin on October 15 and the following year, he brought it forward to October 4.

Addressing supporters at an event

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