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Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of June 2–8

Must read

Laverne Cox, a Gemini.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

The coming week is brimming with Gemini energy. In the small hours of Monday morning, communication planet Mercury joins the sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Gemini, with a new moon also appearing in the sign of the twins on Thursday morning. With so much happening in the most curious, adaptable sign of the zodiac, this is an ideal moment for switching up your routines, changing your mind, and surprising yourself. If you’ve felt bored or stuck in a rut, there’s no better chance to shake yourself loose. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign, below.

For better or for worse, you rarely back down from a confrontation. You refuse to be intimidated by anyone, no matter how powerful, and you won’t play nice to make yourself more popular. If you’ve got something to say, you’ll say it; if you think somebody’s wrong, you’ll tell them. What’s the point of dancing around the issue? But this week, you’re only going to make your own life harder by courting conflict — and not in a rewarding way. Listen closely to people. Don’t rush to judgment. What you learn may surprise you.

Unlike certain people who seem to change something about themselves every day, you have a clear and steady sense of self. You know what you like to eat, to wear, to do after work. You’ve learned what sort of living space makes you feel happiest and what kinds of people make you feel best about yourself. Still, stay open to the possibility that your preferences might change over time, this week especially. Don’t force yourself to like something you know in your heart won’t be good for you, but if you’re curious about something new, give it a try.

There’s not much that scares you in this world, but you are afraid of making the wrong choice and missing out on all the other lives you could have lived. When you commit to a relationship, you’re vaguely haunted by the thought of all the other relationships you won’t get to experience. If you turn right, there’s a part of you that keeps wondering what would have happened if you’d gone left. This week, take a break from worrying and make decisions from a place of confidence. Your life is so rich and full at this moment that you won’t have to wonder what could have been.

Of course, it’s important to think critically about what kind of person you want to be. Life is complicated, and it’s difficult to figure out how to live ethically, to alleviate others’ pain, to fight for something better. But it’s possible to think so deeply about these questions that you end up feeling trapped, fearful of doing anything at all lest it be “wrong.” It’s time to give yourself more space to breathe. The individual choices you make matter, but none are make-or-break. You’re allowed to try, to fail, to make mistakes. It won’t be the end of the world.

You’ve got strong (and usually accurate) social radar. You can size new people up at a glance and determine in an instant who you want to know better and who’s likely to become a friend. But you can jump to conclusions a bit too quickly sometimes, either assuming the best of those who don’t deserve it or writing off those who take time to open up. Try to withhold judgment when you’re meeting new people this week. Assume that there’s more to them than meets the eye. People can surprise you, if you let them.

You sometimes hesitate to tell anyone else about your boldest ambitions out of a fear that it’ll make you look silly. Who are you, you imagine someone thinking, to set your sights so high? You might even avoid setting big goals at all, believing you can avoid embarrassment by keeping your dreams modest. This week, though, it’s best to lean into that feeling of foolishness. Why not? Apply for the opportunities that seem comically out of your league. Ask for things you’re almost positive you won’t get. Even if you want to laugh at yourself while you’re doing it, do it anyway.

More than most people, you consider the importance of appearances. You aren’t shallow — you know that there’s more to people than meets the eye — you’re just aware that first impressions matter, and the image you present plays a part in how you’re treated. But be careful not to put so much stock in your outward-facing personality that you forget about your inner self. You have interests and ideas and quirks that don’t match the “official” version of yourself you like to show people. Let the weird and contradictory parts shine through. You’re a human being, not a brand.

Some people are uncomfortable feeling their emotions, let alone talking about them — they’re happier staying on the surface. You, on the other hand, would rather dive deep. You’re not scared to ask provocative questions or venture into potentially painful subjects. Why be nice when you could be real? This week, remember that honesty doesn’t always have to be painful and heavy; sometimes, a joke can be the best, clearest way to communicate. You’re allowed to laugh about the big stuff, to delve into important questions with curiosity, to keep your sense of humor.

You approach the world with a spirit of optimism and good faith. Sure, you get things wrong sometimes — everybody does — but you’re serious about living up to your ideals and doing right by others. It can be unbearably frustrating when people leap to the least generous interpretation of your words and actions. This week, in particular, you’ll probably want to rush to defend yourself, to overexplain what you mean, set the record straight. But you can’t make everyone like or agree with you. Stay open to genuine, well-informed criticism, but try to be brave and centered enough to let some of it go.

You have a tendency to fill your schedule to the limit, every minute spoken for. You’re keenly (sometimes dispiritingly) aware that there are only so many hours in the day and only so many days in your life; You don’t want to waste a single one of them. But an existence this strictly regimented quickly becomes stifling. You need to leave some air in your schedule, to build in time for rest, for play, for doing nothing. No matter how hard you have to work this week, or how much is on your plate, make sure you’ve got some space to breathe, too.

It’s easy for you to get so stuck in your own head, so wrapped up in your own fears and insecurities that you forget how delightful you can be. When you’re feeling isolated or unloved or just off, it’s almost impossible to convince yourself otherwise — so let other people do the convincing for you. You’re good at setting people at ease and making them laugh; give others the chance to return the favor. Get out in the world, interact, remember how sweet it can be to connect. You’re much more likable and cared for than your meanest inner voice tells you. Don’t forget it.

When others don’t take you seriously, take matters into your own hands. No matter what anyone else seems to think, you have to treat your ideas like they’re valuable, your dreams like they matter. That said, it’s also possible to overcorrect, to take yourself so seriously that you forget how to laugh at yourself, to change your mind, to recognize when you’re wrong. You’re a powerhouse, and sometimes the world needs to be reminded of that — just don’t lose sight of the fact that you’re also sweet and witty and fun.

Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of May 26. The weekly horoscopes for the week of June 9 will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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