Thursday, September 19, 2024

Kamala Harris Pulled It Off

Must read

2. The Obamas

Oh, hey, it’s you guys again.

The Obamas lead a private life, giving speeches here and there and otherwise building idyllic compounds on the best land in the world, in which they sit on beanbag chairs stuffed with 100-dollar bills. Not that different from the Surge’s lifestyle. The Obamas reemerged onto the political scene this week, though, to give back-to-back remarks at the DNC in their first major hard-politics appearances in quite some time. We can officially report that they’ve Still Got It (are good at politics). Both Michelle and Barack Obama were prepared with zingers, with the former president making—maybe? Certainly?—a dick joke about Donald Trump. Michelle Obama, meanwhile, landed the line of the convention: “Who’s going to tell him,” she said of Trump, “that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?” The Obamas also addressed Democrats in a way few if any can: by almost lecturing them. Michelle Obama instructed Democrats not to have a “Goldilocks complex” by picking apart imperfections with their ticket. Barack Obama, meanwhile, said Democrats need to do a better job listening to voters of different political persuasions and to meet them where they are. All in all, a busy night’s work, and off they were to make a private-jet return to their money palaces.

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