Saturday, October 5, 2024

Is AI Your New Shopping Buddy?

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The Gist

  • Customer engagement. AI predicts ideal service moments, boosting potential sales and satisfaction.
  • Shopping efficiency. Machine learning speeds up shopping, balancing assistance with autonomy.
  • Retail insights. AI transforms data into proactive customer service actions, enhancing experiences.

This happens to me quite a bit. I walk into a specialty goods retailer like an electronics store, and before I have taken the first few steps inside, an anxious employee eager to do a good job asks “Can I help you find something?”

Let’s take a gander at how AI customer service might be able to help. 

Good Intentions, Mixed Results

That employee intends to provide good service. They intend to make certain that you make your purchase — of the item you want or a sufficient alternative. It can also be annoying. One measure of thinking is that you can help a customer get directly to the item or items they are looking to purchase. On the flip side, you are holding back the customer from impulse buying.

There are opportunities to have employees suggest additional items, but with staffing levels the way they are, they probably have moved on to the next customer just as quickly. 

Related Article: AI’s Transformative Role in Customer Support and Service

Shopping Dilemma: Timely Help or Hindrance?

As an example, when I enter a store I have one of two thoughts on my mind most often. The first one is that I am heading directly to the item I intend to purchase with time on my mind and the desire to avoid any delays. In this case, someone asking if they can help me just slows me down.

The other mission can involve me browsing around the store ahead of picking out the item I want or generally “just looking.”  Often I know where it is placed, but I might be just comparison shopping or possibly looking for accessories first.  

In both scenarios, being approached too early often negatively impacts my potential for additional purchases. Conversely, if approached too late, I might forget an essential accessory or add-on, possibly buying it from a competitor instead.

Related Article: The Evolution of AI in Customer Service: What’s Next?

Timing the Perfect Customer Interaction

When is the perfect time to approach a customer like me? I know myself well and still I really do not know. I know this could be affected by what I am looking to purchase, my schedule on that day and even the weather outside. 

Related Article: 8 Ways AI Can Elevate Your Customer Experience

How AI Customer Service Can Help

This is just one of the many ways that artificial intelligence and specifically AI customer service can help improve the customer experience — and it can help out immediately. AI customer service is an innovation that can transform our customer interactions through better predictions of what the customer may need at that moment. 

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