Monday, October 21, 2024

In Russia, pilot involved in shelling of civilians in Ukraine was eliminated

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A Tu-22M3 bomber pilot involved in the shelling of civilians in Ukraine has been killed in Russia.

This was reported by the official Telegram channel of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

The liquidated Tu-22M3 bomber pilot, Dmytrii Golenkov, was found dead in an apple orchard in the village of Suponevo, the Bryansk region of Russia.

According to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, the pilot died as a result of a hammer to the head, which caused injuries incompatible with life.

Major Dmitrii Golenkov is a war criminal involved in the missile attacks on the Ukrainian civilian targets, including the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchuk, the Poltava region, on June 27, 2022.

At that time, there were about 1000 people in the shopping center, and as a result of that terrorist attack, 20 people were killed and dozens were injured.

Golenkov was also responsible for a strike on a residential building in Dnipro on January 14, 2023, which killed 46 Ukrainian civilians, including 6 children.

The pilot himself is the chief of staff of the Shaikovka aviation squadron and serves in the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 22nd Long-Range Aviation Division of the Russian Aerospace Forces (military unit 33310).

This unit is fully equipped with Tu-22M3 supersonic bombers, which used old Soviet Kh-22 supersonic missiles to fire at Ukraine.

It is known that he was born in the city of Bryansk, but information about his place of study and life is currently unavailable. The criminal is survived by two children, a son and a daughter, and a wife.

Journalists managed to interview him and ask him some questions related to the rocket attacks on Ukraine and his involvement in them.

When asked if he was involved in the shelling, Golenkov replied: “Wait with the shelling of Dnipropetrovsk. I understand everything you want to ask me. But I am a person of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is very important to me. I want to ask you, as a journalist, why you are calling me and telling me that Crimea is… as if in a different way. No, it’s not. Then you should say that Crimea is Russia. Why don’t you say that?”

He also added: “I said that the four subjects and Crimea were ours. What does Ukraine have to do with it? I don’t touch Ukraine at all. Ukraine is another independent state. It is also shelling our territory – the Russian Federation, the Donetsk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia regions, and Crimea. Why don’t you ask me about this? You, young lady, must be from Ukraine. In Russia, journalists do not ask such questions. Journalists don’t ask questions at all.”

The journalist then tried to get a more insistent answer to her question in a telephone conversation, to which the deceased pilot replied: “Did I just f**king push a button or sit in this plane? Crimea is still ours and everything else is ours. What do you want from us?”

When asked whether he felt sorry for the dead people, he replied: “What people? What are you talking about, I don’t understand?”

At the end of the conversation, he said: “Ukraine is a region of Russia. One single region of Russia. You will not even be different regions” and ended the conversation with the words: “And everything else will be ours. Goodbye, girl”.

Earlier, Militarny reported that in December 2022, the former commander of the flagship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, Admiral Gorshkov, who had promised to hit a five-story building with a Zircon missile, had been buried in Russia.

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