Monday, September 23, 2024

In an age of equality why am I still doing the holiday packing?

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My mistake dawned on me as I deliberated over whether to pack the size 10 or 12 bikini bottoms for our Greek holiday (answer: both). The rash vest I’d bought my son Felix online was not only the wrong size, but booked to arrive a week late, by which time he’d have been under the sun it was supposed to be protecting him from for three days.

To stop myself spiralling into panic I paid a premium for a next day delivery replacement, because if Felix got burnt he’d be stuck indoors, I’d have failed as a mother, risking his health, casting a shadow over the holiday, making a mockery of the money we’d spent on it in the first place… and ARGH packing is stressful, isn’t it?

At least, if you’re a woman. In an age of so-called equality men might be pulling their weight with childcare and housework, but the business of deciding what to take on holiday still seems inexplicably gendered.

Since having children, I appear to have acquired responsibility for the family packing, from clothes to toiletries and first aid, and most women I know say the same – “it’s quicker if I do it,” and “he’ll just get it wrong,” the refrain from those whose partners insist they are willing to help, but weaponise their incompetence by packing the leotard instead of the swimsuit so they’re not asked again.

Indeed, the mental load – the idea women are responsible for every facet of family life, if not its orchestration – is just as heavy abroad, although in my marriage admittedly with key exceptions that cancel out resentment: my husband Chris organises the travel insurance and holiday parking and carries our travel documents. “Aren’t passports and our wallets all we really need?” he asks, oblivious to the chlorine resistant earrings stashed inside mine.

A recent poll of 2,000 adults by Premier Inn found women spend 51 minutes packing for a fortnight away, compared to 41 minutes for men. And while a third of women pack a few days in advance, 41 per cent of men do so the day before they leave. Excuse me if I don’t drop my travel-sized pot of decanted night cream in shock. While I spend a week musing over what to take Chris has a far simpler method: add two shirts and one pair of trousers to the number of t-shirts, shorts and underwear for days we’re away for, roll the result into a bag and declare himself ready. “I don’t know why it would take more than half an hour,” he says.

So self-assured, so smug, so many unanswered questions. What about books? Yes, we have Kindles, but hotel Wifi is notoriously unpredictable and plane journeys perennially delayed. Won’t he come a cropper without a carefully considered quota of thrillers, comedies and non-fiction on his device to keep him entertained?

And our daughter Rosie’s missing swimming goggles? We’ve yet to find a resort that stocks the hermetically sealed variety she wears. Nail clippers, tweezers, emergency dental repair kit – everybody knows a lost filling means a ruined holiday – none of these is remotely on his radar.

Nor is jewellery cheap enough not to worry about it falling off but not so cheap it’s trashed in the sea, or sunglasses for lounging and reading (shades from Boots in departures suffice). He doesn’t even seem fussed about swimming trunks, such is his confidence he’ll be able to pick up a pair while we’re away.

In part, I suspect this packing discrepancy stems from women being the main targets of holiday advertising. We swallow the lie that without the perfect shorts, waterproof mascara, toenail shade etc our holiday will somehow feel lacking – that if we only applied ourselves, we too could look as pristine on the beach with our children as the models in clothing catalogues.

Social media doesn’t help, with those TikTok videos telling us how to pack for our toddlers with ziplocked bags and Instagram reels of holiday-manicured influencers putting immaculately rolled linen in their luxury luggage.

Men, meanwhile, seem to seize the opportunity to step away from such societal expectations (if they felt them in the first place).

Research commissioned by found men will take one pair of shoes for a two-week break while almost half of women pack four pairs or more, and a third of men take one pair of swimming trunks while women pack four or more bathing suits.

There is no dilemma over whether to take the tailored, flattering outfit or the elasticated waist that will accommodate a breakfast buffet hammering, and no thought to whether his one pair of shoes might feel samey after a week.

Whereas my bob will end up a green-hued blob without investing in travel-sized hair products, he is happy to wash his hair with hotel shower gel, and while he thinks moisturiser is a beauty industry con I decant my skin care regime into airport security friendly pots.

I am in charge of the holiday toothpaste, and, as mentioned, our children’s provisions, although here, already, there is a gender divide. Rosie, 13, starts packing a week before we leave, using a spreadsheet (seriously) to plan. For her, getting ready adds to her excitement, in much the manner looking at pictures of the pool piques mine.

Compare this to Felix, 11, for whom four days of me hollering “SEVEN CLEAN T-SHIRTS! FIVE PAIRS OF SHORTS!” at him results in a couple of crumpled garments left atop of the washing machine and the assumption I’ll do the rest.

When the pandemic turned travel into a missing luggage lottery we decided to only travel with bags we could take into an aeroplane cabin with us. Smaller suitcases might lend themselves to Chris’ less-is-more strategy but send my decision paralysis stratospheric – when you’ve only got space for two dresses, there’s no room for error.

That said, it makes hanging up the contents when we reach our hotel easier, which is a blessing, because, bafflingly, I seem to be in charge of that too.

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