Saturday, October 5, 2024

I’m a private investigator – these are the three signs your relationship will end in a break-up or divorce

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  • Private Investigator Aaron Bond listed three telltale signs about relationships 

A private investigator has revealed three tell-tale signs that you relationship may be on the rocks. 

Aaron Bond, from Bond Rees Private Investigators, has experience of observing relationships for clients and claims to know the indicators that signal a break-up or divorce is imminent.

Read on below for his three key indicators that your relationship could be coming to a close. 

Private Investigator Aaron Bond, works for Bond Rees Private Investigators, says there there are some telltale signs that point to the end of a relationship (File image)

How you greet one another 

Sharing his first sign of how to notice a faltering relationship, Mr Bond said that the way a couple greets each other is a big clue on how their romance is faring. 

Speaking to The Sun, he said: ‘Rather than offering a warm and welcoming greeting to each other, if you start off your interaction by complaining or criticising each other, it suggests that there are problems within the relationship.’ 

He continued by saying that actions with a snide or malicious undertone – such as rolling your eyes – can also set alarm bells ringing when it comes to observing the happiness in a couple’s relationship.

The state of your verbal communication

Next up, private investigator Aaron said that the state of a couple’s verbal communication – and their vocabulary – is key. 

He noted that often using extremes as an accusations towards your partner if they have done something wrong – whether accidental or not – demonstrates that your relationship could be on the rocks. 

Aaron commented: ‘If you or your partner use terms such as “all the time, always, never, no one, nobody and ever”, for example “why do you always burn our food, can’t you do anything right.”

How you deal with arguments

His final way of being able to decipher the harmony of a romance is to see how a couple deal with an argument. 

Arguments in any relationship are an inevitability, but can often be more difficult to handle if you and your partner have had a bust-up.  

While some arguments can be resolved quickly others need more time for reflection before they can be put to bed.

Private investigator Aaron said that the state of a couple's verbal communication - and their vocabulary - is key (File image)

Private investigator Aaron said that the state of a couple’s verbal communication – and their vocabulary – is key (File image)

Aaron said that, while stepping away from confrontation is healthy from time to time, consistently refusing to address one’s issue regarding a dispute shows that their relationship may not be healthy. 

He remarked: ‘This could be anything from avoiding eye contact, giving short snappy answers, or completely ignoring the other person sometimes for days at a time.

‘Stonewalling can sometimes be normal where a person feels overwhelmed, but consistent stonewalling is damaging to a relationship as it stops problems from being resolved.

‘This creates emotional distance between partners and can lead to both parties feeling lonely and isolated.’

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