Thursday, July 4, 2024

Horoscopes July 2024: Cancer season says it’s OK to bail on your plans!

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Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People. For more astrology, read her guide to risings signs and moon signs. Read an overview of what 2024 has coming up for us this year here.

July gets us out of our heads and into our hearts, as we open the month longing for sanctuary, supplied by the soft waters of Cancer season. After the fast and feral pace of Gemini season, we become tender and sensitive, pulled away from the noise and beckoned back indoors. With Saturn and Neptune’s recent retrograde, the pace of July is softer and slower. We are wading through emotions and seeking sanctuary while prioritising self-care.

Ruled by the Moon, Cancer season is all about femininity, emotional reciprocity, family and the home. This month, we’re opting for cosy nights in over wild escapades out. We crave comfort and aim to secure a sense of safety that we can carry with us. With the Moon being the fastest celestial body, July is full of ups and downs. Moodiness can arise when we sense lapses in emotional reciprocity, especially when we give more than we receive. It’s the perfect time to reconnect with family or reminisce about our origins, as Cancer’s reflective nature creates a dreamy, compassionate atmosphere. On July 5, the New Moon in Cancer encourages us to set intentions for more safety. It’s your time to rev up the self-care. Throw on a familiar flick, cosy up with a loved one, or make a ridiculously complicated meal from scratch.

Mercury enters loud and proud Leo on the 2nd until the 25th, and our love languages become larger than life. No stranger to dramatic declarations, Mercury in Leo amplifies our self-expression to theatrical heights but watch out for heated outbursts especailly if you are feeling unappreciated. Venus joins the Leo party on the 11th, emboldening romantic gestures and dramatic fashion choices. We’re slowly emerging from our crab shells, ready to catwalk through the remainder of summer.

On the 20th, Mars moves from stubborn Taurus into fast-paced Gemini. Downtime is over and we’re ready for social stimulation. The second Full Moon in Capricorn of the year occurs on the 21st, prompting us to reassess our workloads. As Cancer season wraps up, the sun swaggers into cheerful and confident Leo the next day. Moving from craving comfort to commanding attention, the fiery warmth of Leo season beckons us back outdoors. We’re ready to flirt and frolic in the sun. On the 25th, chatty Mercury slips into thoughtful and detail-oriented Virgo, one of its ruling signs, sharpening our minds and making us more observant.

July ends with the Sun radiating in Leo, adding a playful romantic flair to the final months of summer. Our sense of self is accentuated and healing asteroid Chiron stations retrograde on the 29th, encouraging us to overcome insecurities. Leo season brings a boost of self-confidence and revives our energy, leading us into a grandiose period of “seeing and being seen”.

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