Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

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Overview: This week is characterized by leadership that melds vision with circumstances. Mercury enters Gemini on Monday and stays there until June 17. Then, on Tuesday, Mercury forms a conjunction with Jupiter, which has also recently entered Gemini. This conjunction inspires us to reinterpret our goals with increased hope, faith, optimism, and vision. On the same day, the annual Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini presents an ideal opportunity to visualize what we aspire to materialize.

The New Moon in Gemini on Thursday calls for us to again focus our intentions on those themes of hope, optimism, and faith, setting the tone for the year ahead as Jupiter moves through Gemini until June 2025. On Sunday, Mars enters stabilizing Taurus, where it will stay until July 20. This transit empowers all zodiac signs to speak and practice values, setting up their lives to encompass more safety, consistency, pleasure, and integrity.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


It’s all about communication, Aries. Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini wants you to listen and speak with more optimism. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini inspires you to reframe your approach to mindfulness and mental health. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled embodiment zone on Saturday, encouraging you to hear the language of your body, too.


Pause for the cause, Taurus. Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini wants you to take a beat and slow down so you can integrate last year’s changes. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini inspires you to define and declare your intentions for financial safety and success. Mars enters your sign on Saturday and motivates you to move onward with the ambition, passion, and power to achieve your goals.


Happy birthday, Gemini! Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in your sign helps you leverage your imagination for amazing success. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini is your annual make-a-wish moment; the universe is supporting your dreams. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled spirituality zone on Saturday, empowering you to work with a spiritual practice in support of all the positive changes coming your way.


It’s time to let it all go, Cancer. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini on Wednesday gives you hope to complete some things so you can begin new ones. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to name what needs to be surrendered so you can receive help along the way. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled friendship zone on Saturday, inspiring you to see yourself as a leader among your community.

The Signs You’re Most Romantically Compatible With

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

The Signs You’re Most Sexually Compatible WIth

Photo credit: Getty/Margie RischiottoPhoto credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Think You’re Not Compatible? You Might Be Wrong

Photo credit: Getty/Margie RischiottoPhoto credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto


It’s party time, Leo! A social Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini on Wednesday puts you in the joyful spotlight among your friends. Wednesday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on socialization and friendship so you’re living into your relationships intentionally. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled career zone on Saturday, encouraging freedom, risk-taking, and more professional autonomy.


You better work, Virgo! Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini levels up your career in amazing ways. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your positive intentions on professional success. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled wisdom zone on Saturday, giving you new experiences and an education that expands your horizons in beautiful ways.


Is your passport valid, Libra? Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini gives you wanderlust and magic so you can explore new horizons. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on the travel (and education) that can help you become the person you want to be. On Saturday, Mars enters your Taurus-ruled sexuality zone, giving this summer added themes of intimacy, sexuality, and pleasure.


Mindfulness is key, Scorpio. Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini helps you be skeptical of thoughts that give you stress, worry, and pain. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini reframes your mind as the most powerful erotic organ you have. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled romance zone on Saturday, encouraging you to leverage opposites-attract chemistry and find the win/win.


Romance is blooming, Sag! Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini gives you a boost of hope and optimism so you can make your relationship dreams come true. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on love given and received. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled wellbeing sector on Saturday, inspiring you to achieve small goals as a sustainable path to health.


One step at a time, Capricorn. Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini wants you to crawl before you run so you can increase your effectiveness. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on health and wellbeing, especially through social support. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled confidence sector on Saturday, giving you a boost of self-esteem and power to make your dreams come true.


Express your truth, Aquarius! Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini makes courage the bottom line; share what’s on your mind and heart! Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions for worthiness: See yourself as worthy of love/belonging right now, as you are. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled emotional safety zone on Saturday, encouraging you to maintain boundaries for protection and connection, too.


What does “home” mean to you, Pisces? Wednesday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction opens your heart to new possibilities on home, family, and belonging. Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on home as a place, people, and a space within you too. Mars enters your Taurus-ruled communication zone on Saturday, encouraging you to be more intentional, proactive, and structured in your speech and listening.

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