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Have your say on plans to make gambling safer and fairer

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26 July 2023

The Gambling Commission is calling for views on proposals to make gambling safer and fairer, and to ensure it is crime free.

The Commission would like to hear from consumers, gambling businesses and other interested groups on a number of proposals.

Gambling Act Review consultations video

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I am Tim Miller, Executive Director at the Gambling Commission.

Today marks a really important moment in turning the commitments in the Government’s White paper into practical reality.

We have published our first group of consultations which sets out our plans for how we are going to implement those policy proposals. Our proposals include areas such as financial risk checks, giving consumers greater choice over the marketing they receive, making protections for young people stronger, and improving the design of online games.

The consultations are open for 12 weeks and I want to encourage as many people as possible to respond so that your views can shape our next steps in making gambling fairer and safer.

The package includes the first set of consultations (opens in new tab) to implement proposals by Government in its Gambling Act Review White Paper High stakes: gambling reform for the digital age (opens in new tab).

Financial risk and vulnerability

Proposed new obligations on operators to conduct risk based and proportionate checks to understand if unusually high losses are likely to be harmful in the context of a customer’s financial circumstances, in the form of frictionless financial vulnerability checks and financial risk assessments.

Remote games design

Proposals to reduce the speed and intensity of online products while making them fairer and increasing consumer understanding about game play, building on earlier work for online slots.

Improving consumer choice on direct marketing

Proposals to introduce a new requirement to provide customers with options to opt-in to the product type they are interested in and the channels through which they wish to receive marketing. The aim is to empower customers by giving them more control over the direct gambling marketing they wish to receive and ensure they do not receive marketing that they do not want to receive.

Strengthening age verification in premises

Proposals to remove the current exemption from carrying out age verification test purchasing for the smallest gambling premises and changing the good practice code to say that licensees should have procedures that require their staff to check the age of any customer who appears to be under 25 years of age, rather than under 21 years of age.

Tim Miller, Gambling Commission Executive Director for research and policy, said: “These consultations offer the opportunity for people to have their say on proposals aimed at empowering and protecting consumers.

“Many of these proposals have already had a significant amount of engagement and scrutiny, and the Government’s White Paper sets out the policy positions. We are pleased to now focus consultation and engagement on the detail of how such protections and controls can be implemented in practice.

“Today’s launch is a key moment in turning the commitments in the White Paper into reality.”

Today also marks the launch of Government consultations on online slots stake limits and updated rules for casinos, bingo halls and arcades (opens in new tab).

Stuart Andrew, Gambling Minister, said: “We are updating our decades old gambling laws to make them fit for the smartphone era.

“We want to protect people from harm while making sure everyone who loves a flutter can continue to do so enjoyably.

“These consultations give people a chance to have their say and I encourage everyone to make their voice heard.”

In addition, the Commission is consulting on topics which are not linked to commitments connected with the Government’s White Paper.

Personal management licences

Proposals which would clarify and extend the operator staff management roles expected to hold a personal management licence.

Regulatory panels

Proposals relating to the composition and decision-making processes of the Commission’s Regulatory Panels.

Consultations on all Commission topics will be open for 12 weeks.

View consultations and have your say (opens in new tab).

Last updated: 17 August 2023

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