Saturday, October 5, 2024

Experience time travel at these festivals celebrating bygone eras

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The Sekt- and Biedermeierfest that runs July 5-8 in Eltville Germany, combines sparkling wine and the Biedermeier period, a historical era in Central Europe between 1815 and 1848. (

It can be fun to wonder about what daily life would have looked like, or what one’s job would have been, had one only been born in another time and place. While a Middle Ages festival is an obvious choice for those yearning to travel through time, there are plenty of other festivals poised to take us to other eras of historical or cultural significance to the area.

Celtic life at Triskell in Trieste, Italy

The term Celt refers to not one but several tribes to have emerged in central Europe during the Iron Ages. Although belonging to separate tribes, they all had similar culture, traditions, spiritual beliefs and language.

While this festival of Celtic culture centers around music, another pillar of it celebrates the ancient rites once practiced by this widespread group. The festival’s wide-ranging program extends from activities such as archery or playing an instrument to workshops on rope tying, candle making, fire handling, clay modeling and other skills of yore. A significant portion of the instruction is geared toward children, and a moderate fee is charged to compensate for the price of materials. With advance preparation, couples wishing to tie the knot Celtic-style can even avail themselves of the services of a priest. Triskell, which takes place in the Boschetto del Ferdinando, is slated for June 21-30. Online:

Viking times in southern Sweden

The term Viking refers to various Scandinavian folk who left their northern homelands to become seafaring warriors, raiding and plundering coastal sites and pushing far inland across continental Europe, the British Isles and beyond from roughly the ninth to 11th centuries.

The Foteviken Museum is an archaeological open-air museum that seeks to portray how life might have looked in the area at the tail end of the Viking age. Its reconstructed town made up of more than 20 buildings and a Viking ship replica make it an ideal setting for its annual market days set for June 27-30. Would-be Vikings can mix and mingle, watch warrior battles, try out the archery range or shop at the stalls of some 80 exhibitors for handicrafts, fabrics, jewelry and other items. Children can play games, listen to tales or dig for artifacts. Entry costs 255 Swedish Krona for adults and 255 SKK for children ages 4-15. The town of Höllviken, site of the museum, is located just south of Malmö. Online:

Relive naval glory in Italy

The Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics is a sporting event recalling the rivalry between Italy’s historically strongest seafaring republics: Amalfi, Pisa, Genoa and Venice. First established in 1955, the regatta, referred to as a palio in Italian, has a rowing crew representing each kingdom compete with one another on a rotating basis. The regatta is always preceded by a historical procession in which representations of key figures from various battles are present. Genoa is set to host the next edition of this event on Sept 15. Online:

The Biedermeier period, Eltville am Rhein, Germany

The Sekt- and Biedermeierfest marries sparkling wine with the Biedermeier period, a historical era in Central Europe between 1815 and 1848, in which the middle classes grew in number and cultivated an appreciation for arts, literature and comforts of the home.

From July 5-8, this charming town on the Rhine just west of Wiesbaden will offer visitors the chance to sip the effervescent beverage associated with the high life on its cobblestone streets, the banks of the river or the rose garden of its castle. While on most days, the festival won’t bear any striking dissimilarity between other wine fests of its ilk, festival Sunday is quite special. Members of the town’s Biedermeier Club pull out authentic costumes of the era, many inherited from their parents and grandparents, and proudly promenade throughout the town. Those not in possession of such passed-down glory can and do sew for themselves. The group also presents a few dance styles from the era. Other selling points of this fest include music for all tastes across four stages and a grand display of fireworks on the last day of the festival, always a Monday. Online:

It’s the 1970s all over in cities across Germany

Schlager refers to a type of pop, country or folk-rock music to have emerged in West Germany and Austria in the 1950s. With its catchy instrumental hooks and easygoing, often overly sentimental lyrics, it was and still is derided as a kitschy music for the masses. That matters little in Hamburg, Germany, for one weekend of the year, when the festival known as Schlager Move hits the town. Passions run highest as a parade made up of trucks blasting music and a happily swaying public wearing gear straight out of the 1970s groove to the sounds.

Although that party is over for the year, a mobile Schlager Move tour is boogieing its way across land and sea. Upcoming parties taking place on board ships include Düsseldorf (June 29, July 27 and Aug. 31); Hamburg (July 6 and Aug. 17); Cologne (July 13); Bremen (July 27); Duisburg (July 27); Mannheim (Aug. 3); and Chiemsee (Aug. 24). Online:

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