Saturday, October 5, 2024

Each Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For June 17 – 23

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This week’s message and theme teach us that the world is bright and beautiful in more ways than one. You must not close your heart to it. Before we get to the weekly horoscopes for every Chinese zodiac sign, here are the general messages for everyone.

The I Ching hexagram of the week is Fire over Water (#64), changing to Earth over Wind (#46). It tells us that great change often doesn’t conclude in a short span of time. It may take years, sometimes decades. So, one must be patient as they slowly and steadily inch away from one chapter to the next. This is why they say the journey is more important than the destination. Because the journey one embarks on when a Great Change is upon them ultimately decides the nature and strength of the destination.

This week, find moments to appreciate this journey. Whether it’s the warmth of the early morning sun on your skin, the joy of completing another milestone in your education, or the chance to discover a cultural practice that excites you to experience it once more, let the world around you be your conduit to peace. Everything else will fall into place if you can draw strength from this. Now, let’s focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign.

RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign Starting June 17 – 23

Each Chinese zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for June 17 – 23


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, your love life will be intertwined with other areas of life this week. As long as you are mindful, this enmeshing will be a good thing, bringing new adventures and fun times to your doorstep.

Lucky Day in Love: June 17

Try to let go of unnecessary burdens in love, though. Do a clearing ritual or cord-cutting ritual to help you put the past to rest so you can move forward with a lightness of spirit.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 22

In your social life, you are encouraged to prioritize your loved ones and close friends this week. Larger engagements will drain you, while these cozier ones will fill your heart with love and delight.

Lucky Day for Career: June 21

In your career, you are urged to be steady and focus on the day-to-day details and intricacies. The time for something new and refreshing will come later once the foundation is set.

RELATED: The Luckiest Days Of The Lunar Year For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, this week’s energy urges you to be disciplined and determined. Don’t let any naysayer have the final say in your life. Find alternatives, but don’t abandon your dreams or chosen path.

Lucky Day in Love: June 20

In love, you will feel at the top of the world this week. As long as you approach the various interactions to create a long-term happy relationship, you will know what to do, where to go, and who to steer clear of.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 21

Your social life will also be good this week. Let your funny side take the reins and make them laugh! New connections await the more extroverted amongst you, too.

Lucky Day for Career: June 17

As for your career, it’s all about equal give and take this week. Don’t agree to unsavory practices or allow anyone to take advantage of you. The karmic influence is strong at this time.

RELATED: The 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Best Love Horoscopes In June 2024


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, this week’s energy is about going where you want and trusting your instincts. Most of you have strong intuitive abilities, even if you are unaware of them.

Lucky Day in Love: June 20

In love, don’t settle for less. If anyone tries to tell you that you’re “not all that” or being unrealistic, remind yourself that love is a choice and relationships are meant to bring satisfaction to our lives, not stress, compromise, and deep distress. Trust that inner knowing.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 18

The above advice will also benefit your social life, especially if you are full of talents and often see red flags in your social circle that some people envy you. Go where you can grow.

Lucky Day for Career: June 20

Everything is unfolding exactly as it should for your career. Don’t sabotage anything by being impatient. Trust the cosmic process, and you will be fine.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month In June 2024


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, this week’s energy is beautiful for you. This is especially true because we have a Full Moon on June 21. The days leading up to it will slowly unfold as positive and blessed for you.

Lucky Day in Love: June 20

In love, choose the path or the partner who brings you joy and the chance for true growth. Not the ones who will keep you stuck in small spaces because they are selfish that way.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 17

Your social life will be beautiful, especially when you spend time with your family and loved ones. If you want to go on a trip together or do something fun spontaneously, go for it!

Lucky Day for Career: June 20

The energy around your career is more sedate at this time. You will be fine if you allow things to grow and unfold at their pace. After all, you cannot grow a tree in two months.

RELATED: How To Find Your Lucky Number Using Chinese Numerology


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, your love life will be entwined with more aspects of your life this week, especially your career. Be mindful so you can make the right choices.

Lucky Day in Love: June 20

If you feel you are always stepping up for your partner or love interest, but they don’t do the same, try holding back this week. If they refuse to meet you halfway, you will know.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 20

The energy around your social life is really strong this week. Let the spotlight reveal your colors and help you shine. Don’t second-guess yourself! You were born for this.

Lucky Day for Career: June 18

In your career, be more mindful of the environments and people you encounter. Reading between the lines and trusting your intuition are very important to you.

RELATED: How To Harness The Power Of Feng Shui To Manifest True Love


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, the energy this week is potent! Charge forth with strength and vitality, and no one can stop you. It’s your time to shine!

Lucky Day in Love: June 17

In love, you may want to take a step back. Focusing on your ultimate dream now is more important, as the cosmic forces support growth in that direction.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 17

Your social life will compensate for any sacrifices made in romance. New friends and good conversations await.

Lucky Day for Career: June 18

As for your career, if you have always wanted to try something new or experiment with a technique, now’s the time to do so. Move forward courageously. You’ve got this!

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs


(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, this week’s energy is bold and beautiful for you. If you’re thinking of updating your wardrobe or personal style, now’s the best time to do so.

Lucky Day in Love: June 19

In love, try something new. Whether it’s a creative date night idea, taking off with your partner for an impromptu trip to a bucket list place, or something new in the intimate arena, it will breathe life and joy into your love life.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 18

Your social life is also highlighted as beautiful this week. Be your true self and leave the rest to destiny.

Lucky Day for Career: June 20

In your career, you are encouraged to try something new, but be patient as things unfold. A seed takes a while to become a sapling and then a tree.

RELATED: Chinese Zodiac Signs With The Best Marriage Compatibility


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week is a bit weird for you. On some days, you will feel like a workhorse who can take on the whole world, but you won’t want to do anything on other days. Trust the flow, and you’ll be fine.

Lucky Day in Love: June 21

In love, notice if you’re doing too much and receiving too little. It’s not about keeping a score, but that doesn’t mean you should allow someone to take advantage of you and never meet you halfway.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 22 & 23

Your social life has the same message as your love life. If you struggle with people-pleasing, you may have many fake friends and energy vampires hanging on to you.

Lucky Day for Career: June 23

For your career, try to focus on the more dire areas of life and allow things to unfold as usual.

RELATED: How To Find Your Lucky Number Using Chinese Numerology


(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, this week’s energy is beautiful and strong, but you are urged not to allow anyone to diminish your self-worth or try to steal your blessings. You worked for it, so only you deserve it.

Lucky Day in Love: June 23

In love, be more communicative. Sometimes, your gut will tell you something is off before the problem becomes big and stressful. That preventive awareness can do wonders for you.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 22 & 23

Try to be mindful of those you engage with socially, too. Some of you may have fake friends in your vicinity who appear harmless but are not. Trust your gut, and don’t ignore the red flags!

Lucky Day for Career: June 22

The energy around your career is pretty good this week. Don’t hide yourself, and don’t try to hog the spotlight, either. The right balance is needed.

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:

Rooster, this week’s energy is all about being still and observing your external and internal environments. The insights you gain will tell you what to do next.

Lucky Day in Love: June 23

In love, you may find yourself at a crossroads. Let your heart guide you to what you want. Don’t settle for compromising situations or agree to be with someone because you were manipulated or talked into it.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 21 & 23

Pay attention to your social life. If you feel the need to introspect and turn away from social commitments, do just that. You may need alone time and self-care.

Lucky Day for Career: June 20

The energy in your career is good and hopeful. You will be fine if you trust yourself and your abilities.

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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, this week’s energy has a “hot and happening” quality. If you suddenly desire to go on a vacation or take a dip in a hot spring, go for it!

Lucky Day in Love: June 20

In love, your voice will be your best friend. Use it and set boundaries. If you are a singer, it will draw to you the one for you (if you are single) and deepen your bond with your S.O., too.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 18

As for your social life, things are looking up in this arena. Step out of your comfort zone and be open to making new friends and trying new things. You never know where they will take you.

Lucky Day for Career: June 17

You are encouraged to be forthright, confident, and swift in your career. As long as you trust your instincts, you will be fine.

RELATED: 9 Not-At-All Magical Ways To Increase Your Luck


(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, this week’s energy is sweet and smexy! Lean into it, and you will have the best experiences you can dream of. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key here.

Lucky Day in Love: June 17

This week, you will feel like a king or queen in love. So know what you want and don’t compromise on those vital needs. You are also encouraged to dress in style and be your attractive best.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 17

As for your social life, the energy at this time is all about knowing who to deal with and who is not for you. The rest will fall into place beautifully.

Lucky Day for Career: June 18

You will find camaraderie and support if you ask for it in your career. Just try not to get dragged into other people’s drama (even as a spectator).

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer, and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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