Saturday, October 5, 2024

Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – May 24, 2024

Must read

  • Read more horoscopes from MailOnline here

This weekend, as wise Jupiter enters Gemini (intellect), the cosmos asks us to think about how we’re using our intelligence. There’s nothing wrong with watching mindless TV or scrolling through social media. 

Our busy brains need some downtime. But, as we all know, too much time on a screen isn’t good. And it’s easier than we’d like to lose precious hours in the virtual world. 

By making better use of our natural abilities, we can improve our lives, and have a positive impact on the world. 

On Thursday, May 23, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, joins forces with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, both cosying up in the luxurious sign of Taurus. 

This cosmic union promises a bountiful and harmonious time, sprinkling your life with love and joy. 

This is the perfect time to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends and family for a sumptuous meal or a delightful evening filled with laughter and joy. 

Share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of these precious moments. Learn More.

And… you can take advantage of the energy of this Venus Jupiter conjunction with 50% OFF all personal horoscope charts! plus a FREE ‘Personal Profile’ Birth Chart and three FREE Tarot Readings. ( Offer Ending Soon ) 

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.  

This weekend, as wise Jupiter enters Gemini (intellect), the cosmos asks us to think about how we’re using our intelligence


 March 21 – April 20

For some people, the weekend is freedom-time; a chance to escape the normal routine, when usual tasks can be set aside and they can focus on having fun. Which is great. But there are times when we’re better off using this space to ponder what happened over the week. We can gain insight into the decisions we need to make. If you’re planning on escaping from your ‘normal’ this weekend, it’s worth taking time to reflect. You’ll find you’ve got so many positives going on that you don’t need to escape anything!

Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special – Ending Soon – Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings!)   


April 21 – May 21

 When we step outside our normal environment, we find it easier to say and do things we don’t normally do. That’s why we like the idea of going somewhere to ‘get away from it all’. As Jupiter prepares to leave your sign it encourages you to focus on your strengths and gifts. You can make a clear decision to leave an unhelpful habit pattern behind. There’s no need to go anywhere. If you decide to look at your life with fresh eyes, you’ll be able to express yourself with newfound freedom. And that will open the door to exciting options.

 Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it’s time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 


May 22 – June 22

 Someone else’s attitude has rubbed off on you. A conversation has provoked you into thinking about things you may never experience or enjoy. Yet our hearts have magnetic qualities. When they’re charged with energy, they attract good things into our world. And this weekend, with Venus and Jupiter in your sign, you can draw almost anything you want into yours. So be wise. If you shake off this mindset, and see the world as a place filled with opportunities, heart-warming experiences will start coming your way.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 


June 23 – July 23

If you find yourself in an outside space, find a flower and think about what caused it to grow. Even if you planted it, try to ponder the question, and allow your thoughts to turn to the magic that led to its appearance. This might sound a bit mystical. But when we’re aware of the hidden, powerful forces at work in the cosmos, we open ourselves to their influence. You can blossom this weekend. You’ve got cosmic support and energy backing you up and encouraging you. If you allow things to unfurl, you’ll see what I mean.

Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special – Ending Soon – Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 

By making better use of our natural abilities, we can improve our lives, and have a positive impact on the world


July 24 – August 23

Like an actor getting ready for a show, you’ve been rehearsing for something. You’ve been doing the preparation and learning your lines, but the chance to perform and show the fruits of your labours remains elusive. You haven’t had any recognition for your efforts. Which is making it hard to stay motivated. Yet the narrative is still being written. And this weekend brings developments to the storyline that directly relate to the work you’ve put in. Expect a delightful new scenario that shows you how appreciated you are. 

Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it’s time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 


August 24 – September 23 

 Superheroes have extraordinary powers but they also have weaknesses. And it’s their vulnerability that makes the characters interesting. If they had no flaws, we wouldn’t relate to their stories. It’s interesting that in the real world we do our best to hide our fallibilities. Just because you’re a talented, capable Virgo doesn’t mean you don’t feel daunted sometimes. Under this weekend’s powerful cosmic climate, if you ask for help, you’ll find an ‘assistant’ who complements your skills. Together, you can (almost) fly!

 The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )


September 24 – October 23

There’s nothing positive about being narrow-minded. Closing ourselves to other people’s views never leads to anything good. Yet there are times when we need to be careful about getting involved in controversial conversations that might make us angry. And this weekend is one of those times. Your emotions are running high. Which is great news. You just need to make sure that you direct them positively. Stay as open-minded (and open-hearted) as possible. If you focus on the positive this weekend will be really special. 

 Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special – Ending Soon – Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )


 October 24 – November 22

 Even though we know we should be tolerant and patient, these qualities aren’t always easy to attain. Sure… when everything’s going well it’s easy to be easy-going. But when we’re running late for an important date, and someone/something is obstructing our way, the ability to stay calm requires superhuman strength. If you find your patience being stretched this weekend, your task is to relax. I know it’s easier said than done. But under these skies, if you try, you’ll make space for new options, that take you on a shortcut to success.

 Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it’s time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )


November 23 – December 21

 What exactly is ‘normal’? Even though we know there’s no such thing, we all do our best to create a sense of normality in our world. We like what’s familiar. It makes us feel secure. Yet those habits that feel so comfortable have a downside; they fill our lives with routines that make it difficult to find time to explore new options. This weekend, as your ruler, Jupiter, changes signs, you have a chance to do something extraordinary. If you stick with your usual routine, you might miss it. So don’t! Be bold. This adventure will be fun.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 


December 22 – January 20 

 The good news is that the weekend brings a drama to an end. Phew. The difficult situation you’ve been dealing with is almost over. Having said that, the onus rests on you. You’ve got to find the strength to finish it off. If the thought of having to invest more energy into this project fills you with dismay, it’s going to be much easier than you think. Jupiter’s move into Gemini brings inspiring insight. It reveals the way to navigate around the final obstacle. You’re about to see a path forwards that leads to freedom… and fun.

 Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special – Ending Soon – Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )


January 21 – February 19

Standards and attitudes change. Thank goodness. When you think back to some of the activities that used to be accepted as ‘normal’ we can only be grateful for the fact that we leave old ways of being behind. And it’s why it’s wise to keep up to date with the latest views… no one wants to be a dinosaur. As an innovative Aquarian, you’re usually at the cutting edge of change. You’re a pioneer. Yet an idea that’s presented to you this weekend might stop you in your tracks. Don’t panic! And don’t resist. It’s a good one!

Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it’s time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 


February 20 – March 20

 With your traditional rule, Jupiter, moving into a new sector of the sky, you’re on track for a far-reaching change. The path you’re embarking on leads to greater respect and more influence. And this weekend brings opportunities to see what you need to do to make this kind of progress possible. It’s important to take advantage of the developments being presented to you. But don’t rush. If you ensure your decisions and actions are guided by inspiration, you’ll be delightfully guided by clear and reassuring signals.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer – Ending Soon – 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! ) 

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