Saturday, September 28, 2024


A broken Pixel Watch 3 can’t be fixed

If you happen to crack the screen on your brand-new Pixel Watch 3, Google won’t repair it; the new smartwatch is “replacement only,” a...

Nvidia’s AI NPCs will debut in a multiplayer mech battle game next year

Nvidia ACE, the company’s AI-powered system for giving voices and conversation skills to in-game characters, is set to debut in Mecha Break, a new...

Bluesound Unveils Three New NODE Wireless Music Streamers

Canada-based Bluesound has added three new models to its NODE range of wireless music streamers. The three new designs are the NODE NANO, NODE...

Bluesound Offers 3 New Nodes from $299-$999 – Twittering Machines

The Bluesound Node is a long term budget HiFi darling, having shown up on the scene in 2013. That’s a lifetime ago in digital...

Bluesound’s trio of hi-res music streamers are bringing the fight to current class leaders

Bluesound had a terrific run of five-star hi-fi products a few years back, but newer models from Cambridge Audio, WiiM and Audiolab have stolen...

Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred Mercenary Companions | Gamescom 2024

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Black Myth: Wukong makes record-breaking debut on Steam

Just hours after its debut, Black Myth: Wukong is already breaking records on Steam. Black Myth: Wukong is currently the top-played game on Steam...

Black Myth: Wukong is the most played single-player game ever on Steam

Black Myth: Wukong is the new must-have game, judging by the whopping amount of people playing it.We had an inkling the dark fantasy adventure...

Black Myth: Wukong smashes Palworld and Counter-Strike 2 to become the second most-played Steam game of all time less than a day after launch,...

Friends, we've got a live one. After easily crushing the concurrent player records of both Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077, Black Myth: Wukong looks...

iPhone 16 release date is LEAKED online – and it suggests there’s not long to wait to see Apple’s next flagship

Apple fans might not have to wait much longer to see the company's new flagship smartphone, the iPhone 16.The California tech giant will unveil...

NVIDIA’s ACE virtual human tech is making its way into an actual game

A game developer called Amazing Seasun Games is demonstrating NVIDIA's Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) technology through its upcoming multiplayer mecha game Mecha BREAK at...

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