Saturday, October 5, 2024

Behold Your Summer Horoscope, Just in Time for the Solstice

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Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

As of today, Thursday, June 20, summer is officially on. (That’s right: You’ve been sweating without it even being summer yet.) The summer solstice corresponds with the beginning of Cancer season, when the Sun reaches its highest declination, reaching the Tropic of Cancer and yielding the longest day of the year.

Summer solstice is a special kind of portal. As the Sun (symbolizing confidence, identity, and autonomy) emanates its maximum strength and influence, we’re invited to celebrate our own vibrant selves. Likewise, this is an excellent time to explore what makes you shine. When do you feel like your best, most authentic self? What inspires you to stand out, take up space, and radiate your own unique magic? Where do you go — whether it’s a casual neighborhood barbecue or an elaborate tropical vacation — to connect with your most fulfilled, satisfied self? It’s all terribly exciting and … terribly overwhelming? How are you going to answer these Big Questions when you’re just trying to get through your umpteenth heat wave in an unair-conditioned apartment while everyone else is in Europe on Instagram?!

To help you tap into the magic of the summer solstice and season without the decision fatigue, I’ve put together your horoscope for the sunny months ahead complete with a bespoke summer goal for your Sun sign that will help you focus on finding the answers that make you feel best. Enjoy!

With the Sun entering Cancer, a focus on home and family prompts you to rethink what stability means for you. Sure, you might be chipping away at achieving your loftiest goals (like any self-respecting Aries would), but what’s at the root of these ambitions? Are you hoping to get back to the safety and security you experienced in childhood … or maybe offer yourself some of the nurturing and caretaking that was lacking? Don’t be surprised if you find yourself getting nostalgic in the most unexpected places.

➼ This summer, try … Minimizing your wardrobe — stuff is taking over your life!

As the Sun heats up the friendship and communication zones of your chart, you feel drawn to engage with your community in new and unexpected ways. You don’t necessarily identify as an extrovert, but right now you’re motivated to make some exciting new connections that reflect your current reality. Keep in mind, however, that these bonds are best cultivated IRL; in fact, this might be a perfect time to unfollow all those “aspirational” influencers who make you feel inadequate. Remember, Taurus, social media is not real life!

➼ This summer, try … Throwing an impromptu party and turning some of those casual acquaintances into actual friends!

Your birthday season may be over (boo), but the party rages on! Alas, after a full few weeks of going hard and swiping your credit card a bit too impulsively, it may be wise to take a good hard look at your finances. Budgeting might seem like a buzzkill, but consider it a challenge: How can you still live your best life while also responsibly managing your cash flow? While you’re at it, why not make money hacks your entire personality — this feels like a great season to launch a podcast on financial planning!

➼ This summer, try … Taking a cost-effective road trip to a nearby pond or lake. Rustic is very chic!

Happy birthday, you darling little crustacean! The summer solstice kicks off your birthday month, and now the Sun’s vibrant rays are shining directly on you, warming your Cancer shell with all the energy and love and attention. Now just resist the urge to crawl back into your shell. Over the next few weeks, experiment with new ways you can open up and tap into the unique magic. What do you want? What do you need? What genuinely brings you joy? Don’t be afraid to take up space, Cancer — your radiance is inspirational!

➼ This summer, try … Collecting shells at the beach, whisper your wishes into each and toss them back into the ocean. Just try it!

It’s almost your birthday, but chances are you’re already starting to plan for your big day. Don’t be surprised, however, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed … maybe a little extra sensitive? This is to be expected, Leo: In the weeks before your birthday, the cosmos invite you to reflect on your past, present, and future. What’s working in your life? Which situations do you want to change and adjust? What do you need to let go of to make room for new possibilities? The Sun illuminates your chart’s sector of introspection and deep thought, so use this pre-birthday time to release what no longer serves you.

➼ This summer, try … Planning a solo adventure so you can have your own Eat Pray Love moment.

As the Sun transitions into Cancer, it emphasizes your social networks, urging you to expand your reach. I know you’re happiest in the planning, organizing, and scheming phases, but — over the next few weeks — it’s time to get moving! Whether you’re finally starting your side hustle, increasing your online presence, or seeking out a community that shares your passions, this is a great time to find your people. Don’t be afraid to expand your reach!

➼ This summer, try … Losing yourself (and then finding yourself again) at a vibe-y concert or festival.

While most people are dipping out in the weeks ahead, the current energy drives you to focus on your career goals. You’re feeling extra motivated to shift into high gear — and, even better, people in decision-making roles will be noticing your talents. So even as you’re lounging by the pool, be sure to keep a close eye on your email. An unexpected (and very exciting) opportunity may be coming your way.

➼ This summer, try … Checking out some rooftop happy hours — a spontaneous conversation may yield incredible rewards.

Great news! Cancer season is an excellent time for you as the Sun’s entry into a like-minded water sign highlights your chart’s area of travel and exploration — perfect summer vibes! You’ll be feeling motivated and inspired to find new adventures. Whether you’re planning a fabulous overseas trip or enrolling in an intellectually-inspiring summer program on Zoom, there are many ways to satisfy both your wanderlust and curiosity in the weeks ahead.

➼ This summer, try … Booking a bucket-list vacation spot! Far-flung or fancy not required.

You’re the life of the party, but over the next few weeks, you may adopt a slightly softer approach. The Sun moving into Cancer illuminates the area of your chart associated with intimacy and deep psychological memories, making it an ideal time to turn your focus inward. Reflect on any unresolved issues or emotional baggage, and don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with your closest companions. I know you try to keep things fun, Sagittarius, but real talk is always appreciated!

➼ This summer, try … Visiting a spa for some much-needed R&R.

Cuffing season came early this year, Capricorn! With the Sun now in Cancer — your opposite zodiac sign — the area of your chart associated with partnerships, contracts, and collaborations is being activated. This is an ideal time to shore up your bonds, whether in romance, business, or even your living arrangement. If you’ve been waiting for this to get more serious, this is the perfect time to take your connections to the next level. Alternatively, if it’s become crystal clear that your relationships aren’t well balanced, you may consider cutting the cord to make room for the right kind of partner!

➼ This summer, try … Lining up a few romantic date nights.

Usually, you’re a big-picture thinker; you would rather spend your day contemplating existential conundrums than check things off a to-do list. But for the next few weeks, as the Sun highlights the area of your chart connected to health and daily routines, you’ll want to consider how your habits impact your life. While organizing your calendar might seem boring, it’s important to remember that these daily choices shape your overall well-being. Think of it this way: Learning how to take better care of yourself is actually a revolutionary act.

➼ This summer, try … Picking up a few interesting self-help books to bring to the beach.

Have you been hoping for more creative stimulation? The cosmos have you covered! The Sun’s movement into Cancer activates the area of your chart associated with artistry and imagination, and, for the next few weeks, you’ll be feeling extra expressive. This is a beautiful time to tap into your passionate, sensitive soul by making art simply because it feels good. What’s more, don’t be surprised if your newfound creative confidence captures the attention of a new romantic interest. Single Pisces can expect a sexy summer fling, while those already partnered may enjoy a well-deserved boost of romance. How lovely!

➼This summer, try … Spending as much time in nature as possible — inspiration is everywhere!

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