Saturday, October 5, 2024

Your horoscope for the month of July by Sade Jackson

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We’re at the peak of summer, slapping on suntan lotion, romancing friends and lovers in the balmy nights, and gathering in the heart of the zodiac Cancer. The Cancerian muse claims the role of the caretaker, and sends us the yearly reminder that even the most nurturing steward can draw clear lines of boundaries, for the love of self and others. This month we’re experiencing a pass-over of planets moving from Cancer to Leo—Sun, Venus, Mercury—all by the 22nd of this month. And so, it’s an invitation to be more self-centered, to indulge in your tastes, to immerse yourself in decadent pleasures, and to get out into the world. Instead of dead-scrolling on social media and watching everyone else live.

There’s no sitting on the sidelines; you’re not a mere spectator, so take your enterprising role as the main character and stop diluting what you truly want to feel this summer. Say no to anything lukewarm, as this will only invite in blasé invitations that will feel like a filler episode, rather than anything that gets your heart pumping. Do what you will, and note these cosmic dates on a post-it note: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces begins on the 2nd, the New Moon in Cancer is on the 6th, and the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st.

Your creative drive is on the up and up, and the only thing that will spoil it is self-doubt. If you haven’t stretched your creative wings for a while, it might feel a little bit awkward as you begin to listen to your heart regarding what moves you. Don’t be conventional or vanilla, and take a daring risk on a possibility that builds to the vision. The vision doesn’t manifest overnight, but you’ll see how the scaffolding starts to cement by the time the Full Moon in Capricorn emerges on the 21st.

We kick off the month with a New Moon in Cancer on the 6th, which sets up camp in your zone of communication and attitudes. Cancer is all about the truth and sharing it no matter how vulnerable it feels; in fact, the deeper, the better. So, you get your Kleenex tissues on stand by, as you might just have some heart-to-heart conversations that can smooth over some recent relational bumps. Remember, you can only meet people as deeply as you’ve met yourself.

Now that Jupiter has moved into your home sign, you’re already out and about galloping into the winds, probably being even more open to random excursions and twilight adventures .Yet, it’s important to slow down and intuit what needs to be nourished within you, so that you don’t have to cut your plans short. Simply because you could run out of the bandwidth to keep it pushin’. When Mars, the planet of passion and war, moves into your home sign on the 20th, channel this edgy energy into something productive and worthwhile. So that when this cosmic charade ends, you’re left with something tangible. 

Until the 3rd week of this month, it’s still your zodiac season reign, and with the New Moon in Cancer on the 6th, you’re going to have to quiet the outside world so that you can safely go into your cocoon. Something inside of you wants you to listen to the dreams and ideas that you’ve been wanting to act on, but you might have been too busy to truly hear them. You might have more recurring relationship stories emerge since that last Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st, as we have a second one on the 21st of this month. What is the tempo of your relationship atmosphere? Does it need to cool down or heat up? Take the lead and trust your instincts.

You’re about to enter your zodiac reign on the 22nd, but for now, how about you tie up some loose ends before your new birthday era begins? With Neptune Retrograde starting on the 2nd, it could dredge up some old stuff that needs to come up to be purged. Just like how Buffy confronts her psychic baggage by facing her guilt, shame, and responsibilities as a slayer. In turn, through all of this somatic processing, she finds the strength to keep on fighting. So, what inner demons are you ready to slay?

With Neptune stationing retrograde on the 2nd, your relationships are about to take a sobering turn, where you get to separate where you end and the other begins. This is a time of healthy detachment, of stepping back into you as an individual to stand firm in your tastes that aren’t influenced by those around you. On top of that, the rose-tinted glasses are about to get wiped down, so that you can see people just as they are. The beauty and the flaws, so that your relationships are based on truth rather than fiction.

The areas of life that will be vying for your attention in equal measures are home and career. But remember, there is only one of you, and you can only spread yourself so far, and the New Moon in Cancer may give you this life-learned wisdom on the 6th. You’re going to have to feel this out moment to moment, what can wait and what you can put down so that you can be present with where you are and with what you are. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st highlights what success looks like for you, but better yet, how you can go about it without sacrificing your integrity as you climb up?

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising

It’s time to find new nests, nests that help you remember more of you, your interests, the things that inflame your heart. The New Moon in Cancer on the 5th makes way for these things to prosper in your emotional sphere. Go ahead and take a walkabout, don’t look back at what you’re leaving behind, let your curiosity show you how to trust that the intrigue of the future can be counted on. With Leo season blazing your career sphere from the 22nd, you can funnel these new discoveries into curating a new fresh career direction.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising

This summer, you have Jupiter, the jolly fellow you meet on your backpacking excursions, filling you up with both wisdom and laughter for the road ahead. But work with him, set up some spontaneous trips far or near, brighten up someone else’s day. The people you meet could turn into friends for a lifetime. Be mindful of when Mars in Gemini moves into your relationship sphere on the 20th, as it could either spark some great make-up s*x or cause unnecessary bickering stirs.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising

What do you need that makes you feel like you can be your most honest and true self in your relationships? Balancing your needs and the other party is going to be your main task of mastery this month, and it’s okay for it to feel a little messy. Compatibility is simple and complex, but most of all it’s a dance. Just know what moves you’re willing to learn, and what just feels completely out of your range of style. Think back to the last Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st, as we have a second incoming on the 21st. This can remind you of what things you’re still in the process of shedding so that you can feel more in your own shoes.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising

Your working habits are up for renewal. Add some Feng Shui to your office, as you’re likely going to be a lot more mindful of what you’re feeding yourself, in both mind and spirit, when you’re in work mode. The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th says it’s time to see where you’ve been numbing yourself in your working day, so that you can feel more awake and creatively alive. Ask yourself, ‘What changes can I make in my work environment or schedule to feel more engaged?’ Leo season begins on the 22nd, and that also means your relationship field is open for inspection and renewed intimacy. Don’t stray too far from those you love.

Who are you, I mean the real you? Neptune retrograde begins on the 2nd, and you’re about to cleanse away all the personas and masks you thought you had to perform up to. The theater is yours, and you get to choose who you would like to fill the seats. So, if you feel judged by certain faces in the audience, show them the exit. Now that Jupiter has moved into your zone of home and belonging, you might just start to tinker on where you’d like to set up temporary homes. Does that look like one month in Malibu or 6 weeks in Tokyo? You probably won’t get the impulse to make the move, but you’ll start to filter through your options, particularly when Mars moves into Gemini on the 20th.

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