Friday, September 20, 2024

Danish gambling regulator gains new powers

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Spillemyndigheden will have more sanctions options and the power to issue specific requests.

Denmark.- The Danish gambling regulator Spillemyndigheden has been given new powers to deal with licensed operators who breach regulations. Amendments to the Gambling Act in force since Monday (July 1) give the regulator more options for sanctions, including the power to issue specific requests that operators must implement.

The regulator will be able to file police reports or even revoke licences for any failure to comply with its orders or their deadlines. It has also been granted expanded data processing authority to allow it to make a more comprehensive analysis of gambling data.

The new powers come ahead of the implementation of a dual licensing system for gaming operators and suppliers from September. The change in regulation separates the requirements of the current certification programmes to clarify what criteria operators and game suppliers must each meet.

Last month, Spillemyndigheden updated its anti-money laundering guidelines for gambling operators, staff and shareholders. Supplementing the Financial Supervisory Authority’s Guidance on Denmark’s Money Laundering Act, the amendments were mainly changes in language.

The regulator also added more examples to illustrate the rules in certain sections: section 3 on risk assessment, section 4 on policies, procedures and controls and section 6 on customer due diligence. Finally, new guidance has been added to the AML Inspections rulebook.

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