Tuesday, September 17, 2024

UK to counter Russian acquisition of North Korean equipment

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The United Kingdom has committed to identifying, exposing, and countering Russian efforts to acquire military equipment from North Korea, according to a statement by UK Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Barbara Woodward, at the UN Security Council meeting on North Korea.

Ambassador Woodward highlighted that since 2006, the Security Council has adopted nine resolutions condemning North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile activities.

These resolutions, unanimously adopted, also imposed sanctions prohibiting the transfer of arms and related materials between North Korea and any UN member state.

“Russia has violated these resolutions repeatedly. There is now a continuous flow of cargo between Russia and the DPRK. This includes munitions and ballistic missiles, as reported by UN experts in April and our briefer today,” stated Ambassador Woodward.

She further noted that North Korea is also procuring refined petroleum from Russia, likely exceeding the UNSCR-mandated cap. “Russia does not even attempt to hide its behaviour. Russia brazenly vetoed the renewal of the 1718 Panel of Experts, and during President Putin’s visit to Pyongyang this month, Kim Jong-Un praised the active cooperation between the two countries, including in military affairs,” she said.

Ambassador Woodward warned that in exchange for weapons and Russia’s protection in the Council, North Korea is seeking trade and military assistance, further circumventing UN sanctions and increasing regional security risks. “These violations have serious consequences for millions of people worldwide,” she stated.

Highlighting the impact, she added, “North Korean missiles are being used in the destruction of Kharkiv, bringing misery, injury, and death to Ukrainian civilians. Ammunition is helping Russia prolong its war, which continues to exact a heavy toll on women and children.”

Ambassador Woodward criticised Russia’s actions for damaging the non-proliferation regime and making the world a more dangerous place. She emphasized that the UK will work with all willing countries to counter these violations and protect the global non-proliferation regime. “It is an abuse of this organisation and its principles that Russia so openly and deliberately violates the UN sanctions regime, on top of its flagrant breach of the UN Charter in Ukraine,” she asserted.

She concluded by urging all members of the Council to call out Russia’s actions clearly and commit to working together to protect the UN, the non-proliferation system, and global peace and security. “All of us who believe in this Council must call Russia out clearly and must commit to working together to protect the UN, the non-proliferation system, and global peace and security,” she said.

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