Saturday, October 5, 2024

Your horoscope for June 28 – July 4

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Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post’s famously accurate fortune teller. Let’s see how you will fare this week and beyond.

– (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
– Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
– You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) You may experience a eureka moment you are most relaxed. Regardless of where you work from, you can be left to your own devices and get the job done. You may be given the power to make bigger decisions. Those in between jobs may soon work in the tourism industry. 

(₿) A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You make enough money to cover your necessities and have some left to blow on a few luxuries. You’re also likely to achieve your savings goal for July.

(♥) Couples bicker and banter in moderation. They try to see things from each other’s POV. If you’re two-timing, you may get caught and pressured to choose one and let the other go immediately. Or else, you may end up with none.   

(⚤) Someone you’re familiar with may confess their attraction. At the same time, you may meet a new admirer. You can’t decide which one you prefer and need more time to get to know both.    

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle eat up most of your waking hours. The heavy workload doesn’t scare you and you like to challenge yourself. You have no problems meeting all deadlines. Your supervisor and client are impressed by your outstanding performance. 

(₿) You reward yourself by buying an experience that fulfils you. You find a way to secure a new source of passive income. Investors collect nice profits from their well-managed portfolios. Whether you’re trying to sell your assets or someone else’s, you’ll soon close the deal. 

(♥) Your partner picks on your flaws more often. They feel like a parent sometimes. You may tell a half-truth or white lie in order to avoid an argument.

(⚤) An opportunity to get to know someone who’s older is on the cards. You’re likely to meet them through work or hobby. Someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect.

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) You may be asked to revise an assignment several times or polish someone else’s half-baked job. Be ready for more challenges and longer hours. You manage your stress level and priorities rather well. The good news is that a reward awaits you at the finish line.  

(₿) Beware of dodgy online shops or a new form of Ponzi scheme. Don’t sign on to be a guarantor for anyone regardless of how close they are. You have no problems paying for all your needs.

(♥) Couples enjoy smoother communication. They agree more often and can talk about any topic from silly to serious. They treat each other with the same respect and dignity whether at home, online or in public.  

(⚤) Muster up the courage to ask your crush out on a date as they’re likely to say yes. A stranger may slide into your DMs.   

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) Opportunities to collaborate with colleagues await you. Things may get done faster when you have good relationships. You can work on your own but you thrive more when you work as a team. If you’re a leader, you assign the right job to the right person and your juniors think that you’re fair.

(₿) Whether you’re trying to sell your assets or someone else’s, you should be able to close the deal soon. A big windfall may be yours but you should keep quiet about it. 

(♥) Couples enjoy healthier communication. They understand each other more and may come up with some agreements to help strengthen their relationship. If you’ve been cheating, you may feel ashamed and decide to end the side relationship.   

(⚤) You may meet someone new whom you have good chemistry with. If you’ve been getting to know someone, you two may decide to go Facebook official.    

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) You know how to deal with office politics, conflicts and competition better. Your office foe may become your new friend because you two now have an enemy in common. You meet all deadlines and deliver what you promised. The jobless may soon get to work in a multi-cultural workplace. 

(₿) Collectors, beware of grade-A counterfeits. You may have to pay a small fine or tax that you’re unaware of. The more people you know, the more opportunities come your way. What many want may be yours. 

(♥) Couples learn to agree to disagree. Unmarried couples may talk about marriage or moving in together. Someone who doesn’t know that you’re already taken may show a romantic interest. You’re flattered but you know better not to respond. 

(⚤) An opportunity to get to know someone who shares a similar lifestyle is on the cards. Your bestie or family member may play Cupid and introduce you to someone interesting.  

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) Be ready to tackle a heavy workload. You’ll surprise yourself with how much you can get done. Your supervisor shows support and serves as a source of inspiration and advice. If you have a job interview lined up, you’ll do well and may even get an offer a few days later.

(₿) You work hard and your paycheque is hefty. Friends and acquaintances bring freelance job offers. You live within your means and are on track with your savings goal. You wonder if you’re doing well for someone your age and decide to become more financially literate.  

(♥) The more responsibilities you two have, the less downtime together. You two are likely to disagree more. Small things can cause big fights for no good reason. A wedding may get postponed or even cancelled.

(⚤) Your friend may try to turn you into their lover. They seem to fall head over heels and put a lot of effort into getting your attention. You feel uncomfortable by their earnest actions. You don’t want to lose them as a friend but also don’t want them as your lover.

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) Conflicts may become opportunities to make peace and collaborate. A crisis may turn you into a hero in your colleagues’ eyes. Those who’ve never led a team may be asked to do so. Don’t get cold feet. 

(₿) Good fortune or a nice gift from an acquaintance is on the cards. Overdue payment or reimbursement should arrive as expected. A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You keep your spending under control and keep up with your savings and investment plans.

(♥) Healthier communication between leads to a deeper connection. A heart-to-heart makes you feel much lighter and more enthusiastic about the relationship. 

(⚤) Your situationship seems to go nowhere. You may want to admit defeat and move on in search of something meaningful. Find someone you’re meant to be with.     

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) You stay highly motivated and proactive next week. You may finish several tasks before their deadlines. If you’re a team leader, you know how to delegate tasks and motivate your members. If you enter a competition, you may get to the final round. 

(₿) Your portfolio may generate higher-than-expected returns. Business owners may set new goals or expand their empires. You feel financially secure and do much better than the average. 

(♥) Couples understand each other quicker. They can anticipate what the other wants or is about to say. Unmarried couples may bring up their plans to wed before their parents to seek their blessings. 

(⚤) Someone likes you but isn’t sure if you like them back. They wait for you to make the first move and hope that you ask them out on a date. Your new admirer may be someone who’s from another culture. 

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) Your workload may be heavier than expected but you manage to stay highly creative and productive next week. What seems difficult to others may be easy for you. Colleagues are ready to rally behind you if you need them to. Your content, ad or campaign may go viral.

(₿) You reward yourself with a few nice things (one is never enough) but money-making opportunities may come your way to replenish the amount you splurged. If you have debts, you may pay off one or two of them.

(♥) Couples get to spend quality time together through their new hobby. They can talk about whatever with each other. If you’re stuck on an issue, your partner may have wise words to help you figure it out.

(⚤) If you’re competing for someone’s heart, you’re likely to win this love race. Dating app users may meet their matches in the flesh shortly after exchanging pleasantries online.   

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) Office politics, conflicts and competition don’t scare you. You know your worth and let your actions speak for themselves. Unexpected challenges may become opportunities to be creative. You may be offered an employment contract a day after your job interview. It smells fishy.  

(₿) If you’re a provider, stay thrifty because your dependents may need more money than usual. Read any contracts thrice before putting your name on them. You’re more prone to be taken advantage of. 

(♥) Mismatched expectations, jealousy and distrust mar your relationship. You two become busier and don’t get along as well as you usually do. Your wedding may get cancelled or postponed after a heated argument over dowry or the wedding’s scale.

(⚤) Your friend fancies you and you’re well aware of it. You don’t treat them any differently but you make it clear that they can’t be more than your friend. Dating app users, beware of romance swindlers and catfish.   

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) A sudden change of plans throws you off course. You may have to face more challenges and longer hours. Good thing your supervisor is sympathetic and tries to offer support. Check your content again before publishing it. Or else, it may go viral for the wrong reason. 

(₿) Although your income shrinks, you still make enough money to cover your necessities. Something that sounds too good to be true may become a scam. When you donate, make sure you give to legit organisations. 

(♥) You may discover your partner’s dirty little secret or lie. You decide not to confront them about it for now. Someone may show romantic interest to see how you would react.

(⚤) You may meet someone who’s physically your type but personality-wise you feel like they’re not a good match.  Someone may have a secret crush on you and you have no clue.    

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) You use both data and gut feeling when you have to make decisions and you’re right 90% of the time. Someone you suspect to be a troublemaker proves you right, unfortunately. You keep yourself up to date with the latest trends and tools in your industry. 

(₿) Don’t spend on your wants yet as there may be large expenses that you don’t see coming. If you try to sell something from your collection, someone may offer to buy it at an insultingly low price. It’s better just to put it back into your collection. You may lose or forget something on July 1-2.  

(♥) Spouses argue over money management but they still share joy and laughter. Everyday moments that you two share may be the most cherished when you look back.  Unmarried couples may be nudged by their parents to wed.   

(⚤) Your new admirer is likely to be someone from the same age bracket. You two get along well due to many similarities. Someone whom you badly broke up with may ask you for a second chance.

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