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Horoscope Today, June 29, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Virgo, Aries and other signs

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Your interest in exotic places and foreign cultures will soon inspire you to plan an overseas break. Accept opportunities which come your way, and in the meantime focus your energy on co-operation in all routine affairs: the way to prepare the ground for adventure is to deal with the details first.

Put extra effort into domestic and routine affairs, and get escalating chores under control. But do take advantage of spreading social opportunities. There may not be much to worry you, so be sure to fulfil previous engagements and, if time permits, accept new invitations.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: rearrange your plans

Make an early start, especially if you’ve vital correspondence to catch up with or short journeys to make. You may hear some interesting news about a relative or close companion, and must rearrange your plans accordingly. By the way, there is much to be done before partners are ready to see your point of view.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: sort out your financial affairs

If necessary, spend some time sorting out your financial affairs and making plans for future investments and purchases. Resolving a complex relationship may be rather hard work, but will be well worth the effort in the long run. Strangely, in the short term, domestic pressures will ease.

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: make profitable arrangements

You may have cause to be out and about on family business, perhaps making profitable arrangements. The Moon, though, points to sharp swings in mood as time progresses. I am afraid that is unavoidable, but then you’ll also have the chance to duck out of a tedious responsibility.

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VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: feel more active, outgoing and sociable

This should be a lively period, but you’ll be able to take events at your own pace. If you’ve been in a rather solitary mood, you may now begin to feel more active, outgoing and sociable. And that has to be good news, especially if you are determined to right an old wrong.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: mood for a flutter

Balance professional demands with family commitments. Work hard and play hard is the message, though perhaps an unexpected one for your sign. You’re in the mood for a flutter, and may be on a winning streak. But, there could be twelve weeks of wrangling before your goals are finally reached.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: think about your ideals

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It’s a time to think about your ideals and vision of the future, and plans formulated now could prove to have fascinating effects when implemented. Certainly, friends and associates will be pleasantly surprised by your change of approach.


Get your cash-flow under control now, otherwise you will find money draining away in a trickle that is in danger of becoming a flood. You are under broadly helpful influences if travel plans are under way, although many short journeys are more likely than one long one.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: learn from colleagues

Your personal interests may take second place today, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Use the opportunity to see what you can learn from colleagues, and take a leaf out of someone else’s book as far as emotional issues are concerned. After all, if they’re doing it right, you have something to learn.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: extra time for unexpected socialising

An active time coping with mundane tasks should prepare you adequately for future responsibilities. Romantic trends are now prospering from Venus’ positive position, and you may make extra time for unexpected socialising. Watch out for hidden costs, including emotional ones, though.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: keep others well informed

Entertainments and enjoyable encounters may have to be delayed if working responsibilities and domestic chores are not settled soon. Above all, keep others well informed of your plans and progress. If there was ever a time to tell partners what you’re doing, this is it.

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First uploaded on: 29-06-2024 at 01:00 IST

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