Saturday, October 5, 2024

Finger on the Buzzer Q&A: TOUCAN : “I did some tough jobs in restaurants, but the call centre job is so bleak and monotonous. Didn’t last long there!” | Hotpress

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We sat down with Conor Clancy, AKA TOUCAN to ask the artist some rapid fire questions…

Where are you now and what are you doing?

In Tramore, eating toast.

First record to send a shiver up your spine?

‘Anything’ by Adrienne Lenker. Saw her play in Kilkenny recently and it was so beautiful. Was obsessed with AC/DC as a kid, though, so the first record was probably something by them!

First gig you attended?

My earliest memories of going to gigs are from when we would go into Spraoi, this festival in Waterford with loads of outdoor stages and street performances around the city. I think the first gig I bought a ticket for was for The Naked And Famous in the Olympia.

First gig you played?

I guess technically it was when I was seven, playing my first piano recital. I was absolutely terrified but just about got through it!

Most memorable gig?

There’s two that come to mind. There was one in WigWam in Dublin during a heatwave, which was the sweatiest gig/event/room I’ve ever been in. Another one was a Christmas gig I did in the Vic in Tramore, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more chaotic gig!

What has been the most ‘pinch me’ moment of your career so far?

I think it’s always gonna be playing in the Royal Albert Hall when we opened up for the Average White Band. It was so surreal.

Most embarrassing thing you’ve done either drunk or sober?

Now let’s be real. Why would I tell you this…

What shite jobs have you had in the past?

Call centre has to be #1. Did some tough jobs in restaurants, but the call centre job is so bleak and monotonous. Didn’t last long there!

Last record you bought, borrowed, or blagged?

It’s a brilliant album called Tall Tales From A Distant Uncle by an amazing soul artist from Manchester called Marouli.

Who’d be in your dream band line-up?

So many ways you could go with this. I’ll go for Herbie Hancock on keys, Michael League on bass, Billy Martin on drums and Gregory Porter on vocals.

Sexiest musician on the planet?

The lead singer of TOUCAN, duh????

What song would you have played at your funeral?

I think maybe I’d have my song ‘Wonderful Way’, because the main line in the song is “Set me on fire in your wonderful way”, which would be a good soundtrack for a cremation.

• TOUCAN’s new EP Don’t Understand Why is out now.

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