Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hello, your weekly horoscope is here

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Overview: Possibilities abound! The Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini on Monday, reminding you that although it’s the eleventh hour, it’s not midnight yet—so have hope. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday makes the weekend prime for new connections and passionate relationships. Saturn begins its retrograde on Saturday, which lasts until 15th November. This inspires us to integrate the wisdom we’ve learned on ambition, discipline, and patience when goals take time to materialise.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


Your network is your net worth, Aries. Monday’s Moon-Jupiter trine reveals helpful ideas from your friends, community, and colleagues. Friday’s Venus-Mars sextile wants you to think about the relationship between your emotions and your body. Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled closure zone on Sunday, helping you deepen your spiritual practice so you can let go of all that needs to be surrendered.


What does job security look like for you, Taurus? A Moon-Jupiter trine on Monday wants to explore your values and their connection to professional stability. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday helps you use your words to ask for what you want and be heard carefully. Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday in your Pisces-ruled friendship zone, reuniting you with people from your past and deepening your commitment to friends.


Let your curiosities guide you, Gemini. A Moon-Jupiter trine on Monday helps you follow your wanderlust to new horizons. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday inspires you to give yourself space for reflection and renewal. Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled career zone on Sunday, motivating you to pivot professionally where you need to in order to have the success you deserve.


Happy birthday, Cancer! What’s your truth? A Moon-Jupiter trine on Monday inspires you to go deeper and understand your authentic self. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday helps you connect with friends who want to celebrate you! Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled wisdom zone on Sunday, challenging you to turn abstract information into action and apply what you know.


Ask for support, Leo. A Moon-Jupiter trine on Monday wants you to call your friends for the empathy and care you need. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday helps you choose different behaviours to move on; sometimes closure is a skill. Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled intimacy zone on Sunday, helping you take your relationships to deeper levels by sharing your feelings, thoughts, and hopes with someone who needs to know.


Stay mindful, Virgo. Monday’s Moon-Jupiter trine positions your focus, concentration, and observation skills as your winning strategy on the job. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday wants you to plan an adventure with your friends. See who’s down and get the ball rolling. Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled romance zone on Sunday, furthering your work around healing from the past so you can love more bravely in the present.


Confidence looks good on you, Libra. A Moon-Jupiter trine on Monday helps strengthen your self-esteem so you can take a risk in a powerful way. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday inspires you to remember that relating is a technique. What skills are you leaning on? Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled well-being zone on Sunday, motivating you to return to the basics of health with a small goals-only mindset.


Trust more, Scorpio. Monday’s Moon-Jupiter trine allows you to rely on others who have earned it, so push yourself to trust others a bit more. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday gives your romances a rush of attraction, excitement, and novelty. Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled confidence zone on Sunday, inspiring you to remember that you’re already worthy of love, joy, and belonging, exactly as you are.


Use your words, Sag! Monday’s Moon-Jupiter trine wants you to speak up because you’re being listened to very carefully. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday wants you to notice how the little things make a big impact on relationships, so stay mindful. Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday in your Pisces-ruled home/family zone, reconnecting you to the people and places that provide you with emotional safety.


One step at a time, Capricorn. Monday’s Moon-Jupiter trine helps you realise that moving slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday puts opposite-attract chemistry in the air, so explore the unknown. Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday in your Pisces-ruled communication zone, empowering you to speak on subtext in communication for clarity.


Express yourself, Aquarius! Monday’s Moon-Jupiter trine supports you sharing a big truth—probably to yourself first, and then to others who you trust. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday inspires you to find calm and spaciousness where you need it for rest and introspection. Saturn turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled income zone on Sunday, connecting your spiritual practice to your financial goals.


Let it go, Pisces. A Moon-Jupiter trine helps you surrender patterns, behaviours, and choices that keep you stuck. A Venus-Mars sextile on Friday prioritises your and others’ communication strengths as a pathway for connection, so be careful when speaking and listening. Saturn turns retrograde in your sign on Sunday, empowering you to reflect on the lessons you’ve earned since March 2023 and put them into practice.

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