Friday, September 20, 2024

British woman in critical condition after stabbing herself in the neck with scissors in front of terrified holidaymakers at Ibiza airport

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  • For help and support contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or go to samaritans.orgĀ 

A British woman was fighting for her life last night after stabbing herself in front of shocked tourists at Ibiza Airport.

The 54-year-old plunged a pair of scissors she had purchased at an airport chemist’s into her neck as horrified holidaymakers looked on.

Her condition was initially described as ‘serious but stable’ after she was rushed to the island’s Can Misses Hospital.

But this afternoon her condition worsened and she was described as being ‘critical’ in the hospital’s intensive care unit.

The unnamed woman was treated at the scene so she could be stabilised before arriving at the hospital just before midday.

A British woman is in a critical condition after stabbing herself in the neck at Ibiza airport. Pictured: blood on the floor in the airport terminalĀ 

She is said to have stabbed herself repeatedly in the neck just outside the chemist’s. Pictures from the scene showed blood all over the floor of the airport terminal, said to have been busy at the time.

Police who were last night investigating were on the scene almost immediately.

It was not immediately clear if the woman was on her own or with other people at the time and what had led her to harm herself.

The unnamed woman used scissors purchased from an airport chemist to cut herself in the neck

The unnamed woman used scissors purchased from an airport chemist to cut herself in the neck

It is also unknown at this stage if she was about to board a flight.

A worker at the chemist’s where she bought the scissors and began stabbing herself, said: ‘I tried to stop her but it was difficult because she was a large woman.’

Another witness said: ‘There were other people in the chemist’s at the time. There was blood all over the floor outside before airport workers arrived to clean it once the woman had been taken away in an ambulance.’

  • For help and support contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or go to samaritans.orgĀ 

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