Saturday, October 5, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: June 23-June 29, Experience Important Karmic Life Lessons

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See what this weekly horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign the week that Saturn retrograde begins

<p>People</p> Weekly Horoscope

The energy of last weekend’s Strawberry Moon echoes out before us at the start of the week.

This means you could still be tying up important matters in relation to this month’s full moon. June 26 will be a magnificent day for business, contracts or making long-term plans — while June 29 will be perfect for romance or socializing. Plan something special!

The most significant event this week is the beginning of Saturn retrograde, from June 29 until Nov. 15 through the deep seas of Pisces. Whenever a major planet changes direction, powerful news and transitions arise — therefore, pay attention to changes of pace or shifts around the week of June 29.

Since March 2023, you’ve been experiencing some important karmic life lessons in an area of your life. Expect to review what you’ve learned now.

Read on for your weekly horoscope.

Related: Here’s What Cancer Season Means for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21 to April 19)



For over a year now, you’ve been feeling a deep need for closure and reflection, Aries.

This is because you are learning karmic lessons about everything you’ve built in your life thus far. Releasing baggage, healing from the past and doing deep inner work could be particularly beneficial for you now and in the months ahead.

If there’s something you need to release and let go, you may have an opportunity to do so once and for all. Note that holding onto the past limits you from pursuing a new chapter.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)



In recent months, you have had greater attention upon who you connect with and your social community, Taurus.

In the past year, you could have even felt that it’s been harder to make new friends or that you’ve been weeding out people who no longer align with your life path and values. In the months to come, though, you will have more ability to improve your relationships.

Note the people that come into your life soon could be lifelong relationships and you will learn incredible lessons from them. The months ahead may also have you take a step back and re-evaluate your long-term goals and aspirations, leaving ones that no longer speak to you behind.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)



Since the spring of 2023, you’ve felt like there’s been a heavy load on your shoulders when it comes to your professional life, Gemini.

This could have manifested as never-ending work responsibilities, challenges with superiors — or perhaps like your career has hit a snag and you’ve been uncertain whether it aligns with your long-term goals anymore.

On a positive note, some of the heavyweight or news could lift in the months ahead, allowing you to instead pursue a better work-life balance. If you’ve been considering changing your strategies or pursuing a new career path altogether, this may be beneficial to evaluate, too.

Related: All About June’s Full Strawberry Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)



You’ve been in a karmic cycle that likely feels that you’re eager for change and adventure, but you feel a bit stuck and just don’t know how to take flight, Cancer.

On one hand, this could be about personal development, as you hunger to learn more about yourself and express your genuine authenticity. On the other, this could be around professional matters and how you can’t seem to find the next strategy to take you higher.

The universe is encouraging you to get down to business when it comes to learning new skills, expanding your vision through academics and certifications or even working with a mentor. Consider the next path before you now.

Related: It’s Cancer Season! Your Guide to the Zodiac Sign, Astrology and Horoscopes

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)



Intimacy, trust and vulnerability have been a bit tough as of late, Leo, but luckily things should lighten in the months ahead.

In truth, you could be licking your wounds, running from your trauma or feeling uncertain about how to open yourself emotionally or sexually without being hurt. The years 2020 and 2023 were big for your relationships — and potentially challenging — but you’re still figuring out what you need on the deepest of levels.

Expect to do some important soul-searching around these themes now and going forward. Turn within and know you are worthy of what you seek in union.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)



The universe has been particularly challenging, testing you on every level for over a year, Virgo.

It’s likely felt at times like you’ve been under a dark cloud, facing opposition at every level and even watching rocky relationships fade in the rearview mirror. Luckily, starting this week, the stormy vibes should feel a bit lighter moving forward and through the end of this year.

In truth, you are learning on a karmic level what it is to stand in your power and rely entirely on your own strength, perseverance and foundation. Even if it’s been tough, you are like steel forged through fire.

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Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)



Life over the past year has been testing you, Libra.

It has likely felt like you’ve either been drowning under a never-ending workload from your employer, dealing with health problems or like you’re just unfulfilled with your work and life balance. Productivity has been paramount, yet it still has felt like you can never truly get ahead.

The good news, however, is that energy starts to shift beginning this week until later this year and finally you’ll be able to catch your breath. Pay attention to any subtle shift around employment or health this week — you could see progress because of it moving forward!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)



In many ways, you’ve had so many lucky stars over the past year, Scorpio, but there have also likely been periods where you’ve felt like life is a bit like walking through a black-and-white movie.

As much as you’ve craved passion, pleasure, art, romance and beauty, you’ve also had to focus more on the practicality of life rather than just dancing through your days effortlessly. Luckily, from now until the end of your birthday season, you’ll experience a bit more joy, intimacy and magic in your daily affairs.

There’s one thing to note, though, particularly around romance and dating. Focus on finding a partner who will stand by your side long-term. If single, casual dating just really isn’t as much in the cards for you right now.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)



Since March 2023, you’ve felt like the universe has been constantly prodding you and bringing a rocky whiplash around your emotions, Sagittarius.

On one end, it could be due to your home or domestic life, bringing challenges and tough news. On the other, it could be in relation to your family, lineage or parents, causing some distance, isolation or tough decisions.

The important thing to note, though, is that beginning this week until your birthday season, things could be a bit lighter and less rocky. So if you’d like to improve your life around any of these themes, tread forward carefully.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)



You always try to be precise and clear in your ideas, Capricorn, and in the past year you’ve focused more on cultivating a fresh approach to how you communicate, learn and explore.

For some of you, this could have been in relation to gaining new credentials or academics, while others have instead focused on how to change up their routine by embracing travel or new horizons.

In the months ahead, you’ll have more opportunities to enjoy yourself and your routines — but above all, still continue to pursue how you can amass more knowledge. It will benefit you greatly later in the year and potentially for the rest of your life.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)



Important karmic lessons tied to finances have likely been on your mind over the past year, Aquarius.

If you’ve felt like you’ve been under never-ending financial expenses or money burdens, the weight could lessen a bit beginning this week until nearly the end of the year. You could be saving, investing, paying off debts or actively hustling to find as many ways to monetize as possible.

In the months ahead, be sure to take a fine-tooth comb to your budget and it may be particularly useful to meet with an advisor or accountant. If you do so, you’ll realize you made extremely wise decisions to build your wealth in the long run.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)



You are currently in one of the most important periods in your entire life, Pisces.

In truth, this began in March 2023 and will continue until February 2026. On a positive note, you are maturing rapidly, taking on more responsibility and being taught to take charge of your life personally and professionally.

However, it’s also likely made you face hard facts — be focused on reality and practicality rather than pleasure — therefore, causing you to make tough decisions. Luckily, beginning this week until the middle of November, the load could lighten a bit, so be sure to prioritize self-care and a bit more fun!

Kyle Thomas — who’s known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE’s weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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