Friday, September 20, 2024

Five arrested over disturbance in Derry shopping centre

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Police in Derry have made five arrests following a disturbance in city centre yesterday evening, Friday, June 21.

Inspector Craig said: “At around 7.15pm, police attended a report of BB/pellet guns being fired at members of the public in a shopping centre.

“Whilst in attendance, three police officers sustained injuries after being assaulted by a number of people.

“One officer was kicked, whilst a second hand officer’s hand was stamped on, requiring hospital treatment.

“A third officer’s arm was injured after the door of a police vehicle was slammed on it.

“Two teenage girls were arrested on suspicion of offences including assault on police, disorderly behaviour, and attempted criminal damage to a police vehicle.

“A teenage boy and a young boy were arrested on suspicion of offences including possession of an offensive weapon with intent to commit an indictable offence, common assault, criminal damage, disorderly behaviour, and assault on police.

“All four have been bailed to return for interview at a later date.

“A man in his 30s was also arrested on suspicion of disorderly behaviour. He remains in police custody at this time, assisting with enquires.”

Inspector Craig continued: “Our enquiries remain ongoing, and we are appealing to anyone with any information which might assist us to get in touch via 101, quoting reference number 1460 of 21/06/24.

“Although a BB/pellet gun is legal to sell, purchase and possess, and a firearm licence is not required, owners have a responsibility to use them safely.

“The use of BB/Pellet guns in a public place can cause injury or damage to property, which may constitute a criminal offence.

“Police remind anyone who owns one to be responsible because when they are used recklessly they have the potential to cause serious injury.”

Inspector Craig added: “I would also reiterate the message that assaults on police are completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated as simply being ‘part of the job’.

“Our ask is that officers and the work they do should not be taken for granted – no one should be treated the way these officers were last night.”

Information can be passed on using the non-emergency reporting form via or via Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. or online at

Five arrested over disturbance in Derry shopping centre was last modified: June 22nd, 2024 by cassoscoop


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