Saturday, October 5, 2024

Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign On June 22 — Moon In Capricorn

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On June 22, 2024, the Moon in Capricorn opposes Mercury in Cancer, affecting every zodiac sign’s love horoscope. You may feel the need to sort out your thoughts and feelings to tackle challenges you may have been avoiding in your relationship. Try to hold space for both the emotional and practical equally, and remember that the most defining moments occur in a relationship when you can work through an issue together. 

How Saturday’s love horoscope affects your zodiac sign on Saturday, June 22, 2024.


You must get clear on what you are willing to compromise and what you aren’t. This may specifically have to do with sorting out matters from a separation or even redefining the agreements within a current relationship. But to find the best resolution, you need clarity within yourself first. Try to only concern yourself with whether or not any choice is helping you get closer or further from the life you dream of.

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There are stresses around you right now in your connection, as it feels like something recently revealed to you changes how you perceive your relationship. As much as you feel you have your priorities straight, you can’t make your partner do the same. Try to honor a reciprocal energy in your relationship without feeling like you have to do the work for another. You need to hold your ground this time to be able to improve this current phase in your relationship.

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The more you keep to yourself, the more space you leave for overthinking and hurt feelings. You really need to start listening to yourself more, Gemini, because it will help solve and alleviate many of the challenges you’ve been facing. Listen to your feelings, honor what your intuition tells you, and then try to arrive at a conversation ready to be transparent and clear about your intentions. By doing this, you will know that regardless of what happens, you did your personal best.

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There is no room in your life to carry on like your feelings don’t matter, Cancer. This was part of a lesson the universe has been leading you through since last year so that you can share more, ask for what you need and not neglect yourself in the process. But there is something you haven’t shared with your partner, likely out of fear of feeling like a burden or that it would be too much. Yet this is precisely why you’ve done all the work you have, so choose to open up and speak the truth.

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There’s that old saying that if you can’t say anything kind, then don’t say anything at all. While you need to ensure you’re advocating for yourself, it seems that you are being guided to learn the art of silence now. Not everything needs to be said or even addressed. Instead, it may be time to focus on your own peace, and if that means taking some space from a connection, then it might just be what you need to remember what love is supposed to be.

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You should be excited about this new chapter and era in your life simply because of the energy and work you’ve put in to achieve it. However, you also need to respect your partner’s feelings and wishes when it comes to sharing moments with the rest of the world. There is a difference between secrecy and privacy, so trying to understand your partner’s perspective may be worthwhile. In reality, if you already have the best relationship, then it shouldn’t matter if the rest of the world agrees – especially on social media platforms.

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You might have to decide whether or not you’re going to keep a particular connection going or if you’re going to let yourself fall in love with life again. Be very discerning in your relationship today, especially if you are fielding any ultimatums from your partner. The love meant for you won’t make you choose between yourself and them; instead, it will help you become even more.

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To create the life and relationship you desire; you’re going to have to not only let yourself dream, but you’re going to have some uncomfortable conversations. Conversations are when you can be clear about what you want and your intentions moving forward. It’s not to hurt others or even let them down. But to really say what you need to right now, you need to worry less about others and more about yourself.

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Lately, you may have wondered if you really want to prioritize a certain relationship or devote yourself to love. But to be able to see what is meant for you, you must decide what is of the greatest importance to you and your life. While money opens doors, it is love that opens hearts. And as much as you can buy your way into experiences and adventures, it doesn’t take the place of having that special person beside you for the journey.

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It’s normal to feel like you are emotionally blocked at times. This can often appear as you know you are feeling something, but you can’t quite describe or articulate what that is. Before launching into any big conversations with your partner, try to take some time and focus on identifying what your feelings are. You could even try some heart or hip opening yoga poses to help release any stuck emotions, so that you are more prepared to have any upcoming conversations.

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Only you know what you need to feel better. While you might be hoping to enjoy some downtime with your partner, you might find that some time by yourself is really what you need. You can be open with your partner about what you need, but also don’t be too attached to a particular outcome. Individual time in the right connection only works to strengthen it, while in a relationship you’ve grown out of it can also help you gain better understanding for what decision you may need to make.

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There might be some difference between the person you think your partner is, and actually how others see them. While you do need to trust your heart, you might find out some information today that feels like it shakes things up in your relationship – and not in the way you hoped. Give yourself time, but also stay open-minded before approaching your partner with this new information.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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