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Ankita Konwar busts some yoga-related myths: ‘You don’t need an hour…’

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Ankita Konwar has been a fitness buff who believes in holistic exercises and practices. Not just running, the 32-year-old swears by yoga too. Taking to Instagram, Konwar, who is married to actor and fitness aficionado Milind Soman, busted some myths related to yoga.

“It doesn’t matter how you look in a posture. Rather, how you feel matters,” she shared, adding yoga isn’t just for women, it’s for everyone.

You don’t have to have a flexible body. With yoga, as your mind becomes more flexible, so will your body, she shared. “If you are not in sync with your breath, it is not yoga. Calm down and focus on your breathing. You can master the posture later. You may not be able to touch your toes or stand on your hands as yet but you will feel the joy and happiness that every practice brings to you as you connect deeper and deeper with yourself and the universe through every breath,” mentioned Konwar.

Konwar also added that “you don’t need an hour to practice”. “Even 20 minutes is enough to start with,” said Konwar.

Taking a cue from her, we understand how 20 minutes is enough to get you started.

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Agreeing with Konwar, Mansi Gulati, international face yoga expert, Manasvani said, “Even 20 minutes of yoga can have numerous benefits if you have an ongoing practice and it’s also a great way to get yourself started with your practice and to work your way up over time.”

Regular practice helps lengthen and stretch muscles, increasing the overall range of motion. “This increased flexibility can alleviate stiffness and reduce the risk of injuries in daily activities or other forms of exercise,” shared fitness expert Garima Goyal.

Goyal shared that this duration is sufficient to engage in a balanced routine that includes warm-up, key poses, and a cool-down period. “It can help to alleviate common issues such as back pain, stiffness, and poor posture, which are prevalent in today’s sedentary lifestyle,” said Goyal.



Moreover, starting with a shorter duration helps prevent burnout and reduces the risk of injury, which can occur from overextending oneself too quickly. “It also makes it easier to maintain consistency, which is more beneficial than longer, sporadic sessions,” Goyal elucidated.

As you become more comfortable with yoga, you can gradually increase the time and complexity of your practice. “Many experienced practitioners find that their yoga sessions naturally extend as they become more engaged and enjoy the benefits,” shared Goyal.

yoga Do you do yoga every day? (Source: Freepik)

Gulati shared a 20-minute routine 

Muscle movements with coordination of our proper breath. These exercises help strengthen and tone our muscles for blood circulation
Breathing exercises – 10 minutes
AUM chant helps to calm our mind, said Gulati.

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First uploaded on: 22-06-2024 at 13:25 IST

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