Saturday, October 5, 2024

Chinese horoscope – the 5 most unlucky zodiac signs for 2024

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recognises The Year of the Dragon between February 10, 2024, and January 28, 2025.

The dragon holds a unique place in Chinese astrology as the only mythical creature among the 12 zodiac animals and is considered a sign of strength, luck, and prosperity.

Though typically associated with good fortune, an astrologer at China Highlights has warned that the Dragon could encounter the opposite this year.

Along with four other Chinese zodiac signs, the Dragon should be prepared for challenges in 2024.

The China Highlights astrologer said: “According to Chinese zodiac predictions, Dragons, Goats, Dogs, Oxes, and Rabbits will face challenges in 2024 due to opposing Tai Sui (Jupiter), the deity governing fortune.”

1. Dragons

The astrologer said that in their ‘birth year’ (1916, 1928, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024), Dragons are believed to offend Tai Sui, the God of Age in Chinese mythology. They explained: “You may face certain restrictions and difficulties due to the clash with Tai Sui’s energy. You’re advised to be more careful about all aspects of your lives in 2024.”

Dragons have been warned that it’s better to pay special attention to competition in the workplace and remain diligent and dedicated while taking good care of their body. Unlucky colours include blue and green, while three and eight are considered unlucky numbers for the Dragon.

2. Goats

There is a popular Chinese folk saying that nine out of 10 Goats are inadequate (十羊九不全 ’10 Goats nine incomplete’), which implies that most people born in a year of the Goat ( 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027), are destined for bad luck.

The astrologer warned: “Goats, a testing year lies ahead for you in 2024. Facing challenges with composure will build your strength and resilience. But it is not all negativity in 2024, as you are also blessed by auspicious stars and you will get support from more powerful people.” Unlucky colours for Goats include blue and black while four and nine are considered unlucky numbers.

3. Dogs

Those born in the year of the dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030) will face similar challenges as the Goat in 2024. The Chinese zodiac expert said: “Unfortunately, the influence of unfortunate stars might bring setbacks and difficulties into different areas of your life. If you’re born in a year of the Dog, it will be crucial for you to put in extra effort this year.”

In 2024, Dogs are suggested to pay close attention to your finances. The astrologer urged them to be wise in managing money, embrace frugality, and avoid unnecessary expenses. Unlucky colours are blue, white, and gold, and one, six and seven are unlucky numbers.

4. Oxes

Ox years are 1925, 1937, 1949, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 and 2033. As 2024 is the year of the Dragon, Chinese astrology, predicts hardship for this zodiac sign. “The clash of energies and the influence of ominous stars could make it a year of turbulence and hardships. Oxes, this means that you will need to put in some extra effort compared to others”, said the astrologer.

The most unlucky colour for this zodiac is blue and unlucky numbers include five, six, and numbers containing them like 56 and 65.

5. Rabbits

According to Chinese astrology, the year 2024 is expected to bring stability and favourable fortune for Rabbits. Compared to those around them, their luck can be considered quite good. But it doesn’t come without some mishaps. The Rabbit’s trait of being careful can be beneficial, but they are advised not to trust anyone until their intentions are clear, and delaying plans might be a prudent decision this year.

Rabbits should avoid the numbers one, seven and eight this year as well as unlucky colours; dark brown, dark yellow and white. Rabbit years include 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, and 2023.

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