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Horoscope Today, June 17, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Virgo, Aries and other signs

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Why do you let other people push you around? You must stand up for yourself if financial differences have become a cause of contention, but to do so you must be absolutely sure of your ground. Other people have the best ideas, by the way, so listen well.

Current planetary patterns have tended to make you over-confident in the financial sphere. You must bear in mind that purchases and commitments you enter into now will have to be paid for sooner or later. In love, take it easy and play it cool.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: take responsibility

You have no right to expect other people to bail you out, neither should they. That witty planet Mercury is urging you to take responsibility for your own actions, no matter what knocks your confidence has taken lately. The day’s intensity could be unsettling, but you’ll survive.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: take obstacles in your stride

You have been waiting for a partnership to bear positive results for a considerable time. Yet no matter what you have done, the entire situation has remained maddeningly vague and a close friend has proved impossible to pin down. At work, take obstacles in your stride.

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: don’t burn yourself up

Much as it disagrees with your basic temperament, when the Moon encourages service and self-sacrifice, as it does today, you must knuckle under and perform those chores and tasks which lesser mortals regard as normal. You’re still full of energy, but don’t burn yourself up.

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VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: discover the true extent of your talents

It is because Virgos are said to be so logical and analytical that many people fall into the trap of believing that you lack imagination. However, over the next two to three months, a number of close friends will discover the true extent of your talents.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: stand your ground

Mars’ new location could indicate a bout of strong speaking. Your tendency to agree with what anybody else says gets you out of trouble sometimes, but right now you must stand your ground. Otherwise, business and financial affairs will take a turn for the worse. Mercury’s support is genuinely helping you discover the truth.


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After months of suppressed emotions and anger over the way you have been treated in the past, you may now speak your mind. Yet please be careful not to make any unfair allegations or unjust accusations. Keep a secret for a little while longer, and help others over a personal hurdle.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: feel out of control of your own fears

So much is going on behind the scenes that you will tend to feel out of control of your own fears and suspicions. The planets are creating illusions to lure you into actions or statements you’ll come to regret, so keep a clear head, at least for today.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: understand your emotional inclinations

You’re quite a shy person and are reluctant to show your true feelings, even to close friends. Today, you must make an effort to understand your emotional inclinations, otherwise you’ll fail to maximise your potential. An adventurous approach in love wins the day.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’re at a turning point

Seldom has so much depended on your ability to make your point with firmness and integrity, at the same time as steering clear of any statement or argument which is guaranteed to upset colleagues. If a new responsibility comes your way, you may have to accept, whatever your doubts.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: wait a little longer

You may gain from disputes which are causing distress to friends and partners. You, unlike them, have an ability to see the larger picture and long-term consequences of their activities. In love, you are struggling to get your point across, but you may have to wait a little longer.

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First uploaded on: 17-06-2024 at 01:00 IST

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