Saturday, October 5, 2024

Can you get sick if you exercise too much in summer?

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Summer’s scorching temperatures can be a double-edged sword for fitness enthusiasts. While staying active is crucial for overall health, pushing yourself too hard in the heat can lead to illness.

We asked Dr Rajeev Gupta, Director of Internal Medicine at CK Birla Hospital, Delhi, how to stay safe and get the most out of your summer workouts.

Can overexertion make you sick in summer?

The answer is a resounding yes, according to Dr Gupta. Excessive exercise in summer heat can lead to dehydration, a major risk factor for heat-related illnesses like heat stroke.

When you sweat profusely during exercise, your body loses essential fluids and electrolytes, he said. This can cause dizziness, fatigue, muscle cramps, and even impair your cognitive function. In severe cases, dehydration can lead to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition characterised by high body temperature, confusion, and seizures.

Weather: Heatwave in Gurugram Studies have even shown a link between excessive physical activity and increased cardiovascular mortality during hot weather, he added. (PTI Photo)

The risk factors extend beyond dehydration. Overexertion in hot weather can worsen existing cardiovascular and kidney problems, and for individuals with asthma, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction can be exacerbated, according to Dr Gupta. Studies have even shown a link between excessive physical activity and increased cardiovascular mortality during hot weather, he added.

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Exercising smart in the summer sun

So, how can you stay active and healthy without succumbing to summer’s heat? Here are Dr Gupta’s key recommendations:

Shorter, Moderated Workouts: Aim for 30-45 minute exercise sessions, especially if exercising outdoors. This helps manage your body temperature and reduces the risk of dehydration.

Embrace the Early Bird: Schedule your workouts for the cooler morning hours when the sun’s intensity is lower. This allows your body to regulate its temperature more efficiently.

Hydration is Key: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. Aim to replace fluids lost through sweat to prevent dehydration.

Choose Your Exercises Wisely: Opt for isotonic exercises like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or skipping rope. These activities promote cardiovascular health while keeping you cool with moderate exertion.

Leave the Powerlifting for Later: While weight training is important, intense activities like heavy lifting, excessive push-ups, or other isometric exercises generate significant body heat. Limit these activities in the summer months to avoid dehydration and heat-related illnesses.

By following these tips and prioritising safety, you can continue your fitness journey even during the hot summer months. So, stay hydrated, exercise smartly, and enjoy the rewards of staying active.

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First uploaded on: 10-06-2024 at 14:32 IST

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