Friday, September 20, 2024

Mother-of-two fumes after discovering taking her children on holiday could mean a £5,000 fine

Must read

  • Megan Beasley takes her children abroad so she can continue to work
  • She pointed out that she could avoid all the fines by schooling them at home

A mother-of-two has been left frustrated after discovering she may be slapped with an eye-watering £5,000 for taking her children on holiday during term-time.

Megan Beasley, who works in the travel sector, divulged to her following that she often has to take her children out of school so she can carry out her job.

The content creator often jets abroad to review holidays for her followers, as well as provide them tips and tricks to get the most out of their getaway.

However this often means she has to take her two youngsters – and she happily pays the fine for removing them from school.

However she was left fuming after the ‘absolutely lovely’ office lady at her son’s school handed her an updated fine form, which would see the fine skyrocket.

Megan Beasley (pictured) , who works in the travel sector, reasoned that she needed to take her children away with her to be able to do her job 

Quipping that she would usually avoid discussing the topic, the mother-of-two was left baffled to discover the fine would now be £160 per child.

Explaining a first  offence would have to be paid within 28 days, she exclaimed: ‘You’re telling me that it is now going £160 per child and by the way charge you each adult as well 

‘So not only is it per child, the fine you for both mum and dad. That’s a £160 times four if we were to go for a week out of school.’

Megan also found the second offence fine ‘bizarre’ as parents could be fined within three years of the initial breach. 

So for your second offence it is pretty similar, you can be fined within three years which I find bizarre.

‘If you’re going to fine me, you may as well just fine me – don’t leave it until Noah’s left school and three years later I’m getting a fine through the door because you’ve decided you’re a bit short on funding that week,’ she added.

However the fines increase exponentially on the third offence, which could see each parent lumbered with a £2,500 bill.

She said: ‘I’m sorry, what? £5,000 fine to take my children out of school…and the key word there being my children…Mine.  The world has gone absolutely mad.’

However Megan’s main gripe is that she is honest in every instance she removes her children from school for a getaway. 

‘I pay the fine to be able to do my job because we’ve got to remember, this is actually my job,’ she shared.

‘This is my career. This is how I get paid. This is how I pay my bills, and most importantly, this is how I pay my tax bill every single year.

‘So, as the government, you want me to go to work, earn money, pay my tax bill every single year, but you’re going to fine me for the privilege?

Irritated by the new higher fines, the mother-of-two pointed out that she could avoid the fines by home-schooling her youngsters

Irritated by the new higher fines, the mother-of-two pointed out that she could avoid the fines by home-schooling her youngsters

‘Like, make it make sense.’

Questioning what was a valid reason to take children out of school, Megan argued still being able to do her job and keep her children happy and house was ‘more important’ than being present in school ever day.

She also noted that if she took her children out of education entirely and taught them at home – she would avoid all the fines. 

‘I wouldn’t be prosecuted, I wouldn’t be sent to court and told that I’m neglecting my children for letting them explore the world,” she continues.

‘I just honestly can’t wrap my head around it…it really, really is starting to grind on me.’

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